Chapter 6 Its Starting

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{note if no one has noticed how fast these fights go its beacuse i dont use game logic soo no hp bar  soo yeah i use if this happend not with hp bars but jsut a strait fight}
Last time we left off after meeting organization 13 and summoning two giant heartless and now we continue

In the fight

Female group

The group was in front of the giant but suddenly it grabbed ri and sona then it threw them up in the air and then threw a giant sphere at them but only for sona do threw her kingdom key at it and it exploded

The group was in front of the giant but suddenly it grabbed ri and sona then it threw them up in the air and then threw a giant sphere at them but only for sona do threw her kingdom key at it and it exploded

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then both fell on do the ground and grown in pain but they saw kairi and jenny run at it because it was down a lot but suddenly a few tiny nobody's appeared

jenny-kairi take care of them il handle the big one)she ordered gaining a nod from her then she went up in front and doged some strange stuff but she was close enough she point blank shoot a firaza and she was knocked back but she only saw it was ...

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jenny-kairi take care of them il handle the big one)she ordered gaining a nod from her then she went up in front and doged some strange stuff but she was close enough she point blank shoot a firaza and she was knocked back but she only saw it was only burned it dit hurt it but it still was wery well ready for battle then ventus jumpd above her with aqua hu had a blade charge ready and ven had 6 wing blades ready to stab its head but before they could it rose up weirdly and their hands and feet were locked then kairi and jenni were also similarly while sona and ri were fighting the low ranking nobodys then the giant nobosy was infront of ven 

jenny-kairi take care of them il handle the big one)she ordered gaining a nod from her then she went up in front and doged some strange stuff but she was close enough she point blank shoot a firaza and she was knocked back but she only saw it was ...

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she only used the wign blade she had beacuse it was runnin out and stabd it in the head causing it do flaif and make her fall do the ground with a thumb then it fell onto the ground with a loud bankg then all lookd and saw it dead kairi jenny aqua fell down  then they went and defeated all the low ranking nobodys

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