
26 3 6

"What feels like the end is just the beginning"
was the first thing that came to my mind when I asked him to meet again.

That morning
"C- can you meet me again tomorrow?"
"Ah I'm-"
W. H. Y. the fuck did I ask him to meet me, it's not like he's my type either- that aside, I should say something now.
"Just, I really want to talk to you about free tomorrow?"
'Erm, yeah I have nothing to do tomorrow"
"Great, meet me here tomorrow, the time as today"
"Uhm, at what time did we meet today...?"
"Ah! About 10:00 I think"
"Oh ok, then, see you tomorrow!"
Huh, what's with that
"Um, yeah see you"
I said that when he already left, I was just, shocked, he was crying and feeling depressed a minute ago, what he just did was a shock...
"His smiling face is so cute..."

I was lying on my bed doing nothing, I was thinking of what happened today, that guy, saiki, was really kind
I actually reconciled with tomoe right after I met him.

That afternoon
"Wait, I have to talk to you!"
We went to the cafeteria and sat on a small table outside, I ordered iced mocha for both of us, and then we sat drinking for three heavy minutes.
"Fumi, it's-"
"Tomoe! It's not about your sexuality just so you know, It's not like it's my business to deal with it!"
"Eh... Then your fine with it?"
"Yeah, I already told you that two days ago!"
"Oh, then you free tomorrow, wanna check out that new café?"
Huh? He got over it? That easily.
"Oh by the I'm not bothered, I was just sulking to make you feel guilty"
"Ahaha, sorry sorry I won't do it again"
"Please don't! You didn't know how troubled I was!"
"Pfft, sorry sorry"
Tomoe was laughing while I was thinking of how should I tell him about mom and I just-
"Mom hates you now"
"No! It's just..."
And I did it, when I feel confused, which is gladly, rare, I start panicking and I can't think straight, any way after that, I explained what happened with mom to tomoe, he wasn't bothered by it much, but he scolded me for telling mom and being dense.
Tomoe aside, I wonder what ayato wants to talk about, he had a weird look when he asked me to meet him, it was like, he was about to cry...

"Yo chi-chan! One iced americano!" I said as I stepped inside the café.
"And oh get me something sweet with it, cookies or something"
"Cookies? And don't call me chi-chan, how many times I've told you not to"
"Sorry sorry, I forgot, Ya- ga- mi- san." I said that while smiling a sneaky smile, he gets pissed off when I do that, I really feel entertained when I do that.
"Seem like you're in a good mood today, well way too good, I guess"
"You think" I chuckled.
"Anything new?"
"Well you can say I'm stepping a step forward in my life"
"What the heck does that mean?" Haha, he really didn't expect me to say something mysterious, as I told you, I'm really entertained.
"You'll know soon"
After a little chat with yagami, he got a bit busy, well his business is going quite well, I got out of the café as soon as I finished my food, after that I went straight back home.
After a warm shower, I jumped to my bed, and huffed hardly, I was really tired, even though all I did today was going to college and yagami's, but my time with that sakurakouji guy felt like a year, and it was really weird I've really never had any interest in other people's issues, though all I was thinking of when he told me his story, was finding a solution for his problems, aside from that, I can't get his smile out of my head, I mean...
"How can someone smile beautifully like that?..."
"Who smiled?"
"Ack! You surprised me!, what the hell are you doing in my apartment anyway"
"Well, your kind sister cane to check out on you cause..."
She started getting closer and...
"This stupid brother didn't come to our family gathering to help me and the atmosphere there was hella heavy! Your not getting away with this!"
She started grabbing my hair while I struggled, seriously I was having a great time thinking about sakurakou- wait what.
"Ok ok I get it sorry I won't run away again!"
"You sure won't"
"Seriously I sometimes think if your my brother or my sister"
Shit here we go.
"Scolding you is tiring you know that?"
"Seriously I can't feel my head anymore..."
"You have a boyfriend now?!"
"What? No!"
"Then who was that person you were talking about, the one with the beautiful smile, hm?"
"Ah, no it was actor"
"You think I'd believe that, are you serious?"
"Ok ok just don't ask I won't tell you anyway"
"C'mon it's not like I'm gonna kill you if you say who was it, though I'm gonna try killing you if you don't"
"Ugh fine just don't make fun of me, this morning I..."
I started telling my sister, who's by the way called mirai, about the guy I met in the storage room, sakurakouji fumi, I only know his name and what he told me at that time, I started thinking when I started telling my sister about him, that I know nothing about him, what major is he studying, what year is he, where is he from, his phone number, ack I should've asked for that one.
"So, when are you going to ask him out?"
"Huh, no I won't, he's straight anyway, and it's not like I'm in love with him"
"Then why are you thinking so much about those two hours you spent with him?"
Indeed, why I'm I so interested in him...
"In my opinion, I think you should rape him"
"Get out!"
"What did you expect of a fujoshi?" She said while I was pushing her out of my place.
"Just well you let me have a peaceful evening? Alone?"
"Haha ok sorry just lemme get what I came here for"
"Didn't you say you came here to scold me"
"You actually believed me, lol I thought you already know that I've never tell you anything true"
"Ugh, jesus"
"Where's your black coat?"
"In the closet, why?"
"Oh, thanks, well I need ti wear it so..."
"Ugh seriously..."
After stealing my coat, mirai ran away to god knows where, after telling me to go out too cause no one stays home in a winter's evening, well I had nothing to do, after watching some boring shows in TV I thought that she might be right, I grabbed my jeans and a long coat with long black boots, and decided I'd go have some iced coffee somewhere nearby, don't ask why do I love iced stuff in winter, I thought I'd go to yagami's but his café turns into a bar at night and I wasn't in the mood for drinking today so I started looking for a new café to try it out.

After my chat with tomoe, he said he had some issues to deal with and he will see me tomorrow so we can try the new café, after that I ordered a cake and some coffee, I started thinking "now what" I had nothing to do this evening and I didn't want to go home, cause mom wasn't there and I had to stay alone, doing nothing, so I just finished my cake and grabbed my coffee and went home to put my books and other stuff there, and as soon as I did that, I went out and started wandering around here and there while listening to music and looking for a café that might have something nice to eat.

"There was a shot in the dark I was caught by surprise"

"the was a hole in my heart, there were tears in your eyes"

"and there was nothing to say cause you made up your mind"

"and so I guess what you meant when you left was goodbye"

Story teller
"Welcome to pavan café!" Said the waiter who was close to the door
"Mm" said ayato while lowering his head a bit.
"A table for one?"
"Umm for two actually"
"Oh, please follow me"
Ayato followed the waiter to a table by the window, but the view wasn't that calming, since it was really crowded outside.
"Here's the menu sir"
"Thank you"

I ordered hot coffee with milk somehow, I wasn't really in the mood for something iced anymore, since the café was really fancy and I would feel embarrassed if I drink something that doesn't go with the mood here, I don't know why did I tale table for two, I always do that, I don't like how the table looks with one chair, I guess I'd call mirai or someone to come fill it cause I'm starting to feel bored, and the café was really empty, only the waiter, the girl who makes the coffee and me were there, so it kinda felt lonely.
"Welcome to pavan café!"
Oh someone is here.

I started feeling cold so I went inside a shop that sells accessories, I thought I'd buy some since they were really beautiful, and also to make things better with mom, I thought I'd get her a necklace as a present, and so I did, I got her two actually, she loves accessories so this might work, I got some earrings for myself as well, that shop was kinda cheap so I didn't miss the chance to buy them.
I saw a coffee shop in the opposite direction so I thought I'd try it out, it looked new and really fancy, as if it was an European place.
"Welcome to pavan café!"

To be continued...

Words count:1698
Hi guys, hope you liked the story so far!! If so please vote and feel free to leave a comment it's appreciated!!
I wanted to tell you about the pace in the story, which is kinda slow so, hope you won't get bored :/
The song that fumi was listening to is
"take it all away" by owl city!
Thanks for reading! See you soon!.

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