Dates and first kisses

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Hugo's POV

Hugo sat down next to Niya while the others began arriving for practice. "So they're going on a date?" Niya asked. "Yes." He replied. "And you're scared that she's gonna date Josie?" He nodded. "Well maybe you should tell her tonight." Niya said. Is this girl stupid?

He watched as Anaya sat down next to them. Josie followed and the girls began to talk to each other. He felt a bit of jealousy because Anaya paid more attention to Josie. Soon Kayla walked in and the girls stopped talking.

"So we're gonna practice the duet. Any volunteers?" Kayla asked. Hugo watched Anaya's hand shoot up then walked in front of the group. Niya pushed Hugo forward. "I volunteer Hugo!" She said. He gave her a glare before standing next to Anaya.

"Alright. You remember which song we're doing?" Kayla asked. The two bluenettes nodded. "Alright." Kayla said before signaling to Niya that she could start at a slow beat. Hugo watched as Anaya fiddled with her fingers nervously. That's right she hasn't sung in front of anyone yet. She's got stage fright.

He looked at her and lifted her chin so their eyes met. "Just look at me. Pretend it's just you and me here." He ignored the shocked and angry look from Josie and smiled at Anaya. "Alright." She kept her eyes locked on Hugo and he did the same.

Anaya's POV

She ignored the look that Josie gave Hugo and she kept her eyes locked with Hugo's. Niya played a steady beat while a piano began to play. Just start a few notes after Hugo starts. Hugo started singing. "When the days are cold and the cards unfold and the saints we see are all made of gold." She drew a breath. "When your dreams they fail and the ones we hail are are the worst of all and the blood's run stale."

"I wanna hide the truth I wanna shelter you, but with the beast inside there's nowhere we can hide." He kept his green eyes focused on Anaya as he sang. "No matter what we breed we still are made of greed, this is my kingdom come. This is my kingdom come." She finished off.

She didn't realize how close she was to kissing Hugo. He was close to her. Emerald green met light brown. He leaned in to kiss her when she was jerked away by Josie and pulled into a hug. "That was amazing Anaya." The girl said. "Thanks." Anaya replied, not worrying about her almost kiss.

Niya was talking to Hugo and Kayla walked up to Anaya and Josie. "That was beautiful." She said. Anaya smiled then looked at Hugo. "You've got a good voice." She told him. He rubbed his neck. "Thank you. You're not too bad yourself." Anaya smiled at his comment then looked at Josie. "Let's go." She said then the two girls left.

After the movie Anaya and Josie sat down at the park. "That was a great movie." Josie said. "Yeah. All though the VolpinNoir kiss never happened." Anaya said. "Neither did that ViperiBug kiss." Josie responded. "Maybe we could do this again sometime." Josie suggested. "Sure. When I don't have any practices." Anaya said.

A few minutes passed before either girl moved. Josie was close to Anaya. Should I kiss her? Ugh what do I do?! Anaya started talking to end the awkward silence. "So I-" and Josie kissed her. And Anaya kissed Josie. (And a 'quiet' FINALLY from Nicky)

When they broke apart Anaya smiled. Josie looked shocked. "I-I'm sorry I didn't ask-" Josie started. "Don't apologize. I like you too." Anaya said. Josie hugged Anaya but behind them Anaya saw an upset Hugo. Why's he do upset?

A few weeks later

Hugo hadn't talked to Anaya in weeks. She texted him several times and he never responded. Sat down in her room and Josie walked in and hugged her. "Hey Josie." Anaya said hugging her girlfriend. "He still not talking to you?" Josie asked. Anaya shook her head.

"He'll come around." Josie said. Well the dance is this Friday so maybe I can corner him there and talk to him. If not I can dance with Josie. "So the dance is on Friday and I was wondering if you wanted to go." Josie smiled. "Sure. What time do I pick you up?"

"Um, how about seven." Anaya suggested. "Sure. And I'll bring a croissant so you don't get hungry." Josie said before kissing Anaya's for head and leaving. She's amazing. But why won't Hugo talk to me? Did I do something wrong?

And as if she had called the boy over, he walked in. "Ahh!" She jumped off the bed. "Sorry. Your mom let me in because I said I was your math tutor." The boy sat down in a bean bag chair and looked at Anaya.

His eyes are beautiful. Like a forest on the summer. I could get lost in them. Stop it! You have a girlfriend! She cleared her throat. "So what, pray tell, have you done with my actual tutor?" She asked.

"Told her that she didn't have to come today." Hugo replied. Suddenly Nicky ran in. "I got attacked by a crazy girl and her squirrels!" Her sister yelled. Then a brown haired girl walked in. "Sorry Hugo. I couldn't keep her away." "Let me guess. You're Lily." Anaya said, gesturing at the girl.

"Yep." Lily said. Nicky took a deep breath. "Anaya meet crazy squirrel girl." Lily wacked her with a pillow. "Where'd you get that?!" Nicky asked. "Oh I found it on the floor." Lily said. Nicky ran out and Lily sat down.

"Lily." Hugo said. Lily looked at him with big eyes. "yeah?" He gestured for her to leave. "Uh? Oh right." She said before she left. Well that was weird. Why'd he wanna be alone with me? For the past few weeks he's been avoiding me.

"So, um, I'm sorry I haven't talked to you in a while." Hugo said after a long silence. "It's alright." She told him. "I was lonely for a while because Niya went on that your with her dad." Anaya admitted. "Well I won't ignore you again." He promised. "Alright." Anaya said.

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