So, we meet again.

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After fixing my hair and all the girly things that we do in the bathroom, I make my way up to the third floor.

As soon as I push through the door I realize that my only friend from last year is not here, and I recall her saying that she was not coming back.

All the old memories of me and her flash through my mind as I search the class for a seat. The only seat available is the only one I want, in the corner and away from socialization.

My attempts to talk to old friends fail, and I bury my face in my arms as the teacher drones on about rules and all the stuff that will actually not happens during the school year.

"So this is how this year is gonna be." A very familiar voice says from in front. When I lift my head up Elisha is leaning against the wall with her arms on my desk and she's looking towards me.

"Hey, I didn't see you there" she mocks while laughing. "Ha ha, now where are you meant to be? I checked the rosters, you're not meant to be here." I say, adjusting my sleeve.

"Oh no, you've found me out." She says sarcastically. I roll my eyes and pull a pen out of my pocket, not to use it, but just to tap it on the desk, which became a habit during the summer.

Elisha eyes my hands carefully. "Why do you have writing all over your hand..?" She asks while grabbing her my hand in hers. I pull my hand away. "It didn't wash off, okay?" I continue to tap my pen on the desk as Elisha watches me.

"You're making me uncomfortable..." I say putting the pen down and rubbing the back of my neck. She shrugs and turns around.

I hear a few people say my name but I'm drifting in my daydreams, I don't even notice when the bell rings and so I am 'awakened' by the next period class slamming their books down and arguing about their previous class and how bullshit it was.

I even hear one of them explain how they met the new math teacher before she came to this school. A few interested people congratulate him in a form of thanks that can only be identified as suck up.

The speaker announces for our teachers attention, and he grunts.

"Can you send Elisha Green to the office please?" Everyone turns to look at her, and she stands, bags already on her shoulder.

As she walks towards the door, everyone stares at her. But just before she reaches the door, she turns and smirks at me.

"See you again soon, Kate."

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