Chapter 6

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Lake's eyes snapped open, flinching at the throbbing pain that shot through her temple, as her phone vibrated loudly on her nightstand.

She picked it up and glanced at the name. Natalie Porter.

Shit, Lake sighed, clearing her throat before she answered.

"Hi Mrs. Porter, how are you?" She feigned politeness, when in reality, she wanted to throw her phone, and the caller, off of the roof for waking her so abruptly.

"Hi Lake, I'm okay, thank you. I know I said we wouldn't need you this week since your family is here, but is there any way you could swing by tomorrow and make dinner? I have to work late, and you know Ethan isn't capable of even turning the stove on." The woman on the other line begged.

"Of course. I'll be there around four. Any requests?" Pinching the bridge of her nose, she took a deep breath.

While she loved her job as a personal chef for the Porter family, she couldn't contain her irritation when the first time she'd taken off since Christmas, she'd gotten called over anyway.

She let out a breath, forcing her frustrations out with it. A few hours, tops. She pursed her lips, shrugging.

"The kids asked for your chicken alfredo if you could. I'm so sorry Lake, I'll pay you double for the day. I really appreciate it." The relief in her voice made Lake feel horrible for getting irritated in the first place.

"Of course, it's what I'm here for. I'll be there tomorrow. Just let me know if anything changes."

Natalie thanked her again before she hung up.

Setting her phone back down, Lake shut her eyes, her head almost on the pillow when her phone buzzed again.

"Oh for fucks sake!" She groaned, picking up her phone once more.


"Why did dad just tell me you got hit by a fucking car this morning?" Logan screeched, the high pitched sound making Lake wince as she pulled the phone away from her ear.

"I'm fine Lo. Just a bit sore." She assured her.

"Do you promise?" Logan's voice grew softer, Lake smiling at her concern.

"I promise. Now, can I go back to sleep? I wasn't finished my nap. Natalie just called me too, I have to go make dinner tomorrow. Won't be but an hour or two though."

"Okay, cool. Sorry. He just told me and I kinda ran outside to call you before he could really say much more. But hey, if your head feels better later, do you want to go to the movies with us? Dad wants to visit a few places here and then we'll head to the theater around six. It's supposed to storm pretty badly around then though, so be safe driving over here if you do come out."

"Sounds good, I'll let you know how I feel in a bit. It's only two now, so I'm going to lay down a while longer."

"Okay cool! I'm going to text Hayden and tell him to come, too. Call me if you need me. Love you!"

"Love you too. Hey, please don't tell him what happened or he'll freak. I'll tell him later."

"I won't. Bye!"

Lake ended the call, putting her phone on silent before she nestled back into her bed, letting sleep take over once more.


Lake jumped awake as a loud boom of thunder shook the house.

The storm started early. Great.

Grumbling, she rolled over. The clock on the wall read ten after five.

Shit! I have to shower still.

Jumping out of bed, she ran to the bathroom.

I should text Logan that I might be late. She paused for a second, then shook her head, letting it go to get her shower first.

Walking back into her bedroom, her body wrapped in a towel, she padded over to her nightstand to send her sister a text.

Sixteen missed calls? Two unheard voicemails? And six texts? All from Hayden? What the fuck? Lake clicked on the notifications and listened to the first message.

"Hey it's me. Your sister invited me to the movies with you guys, so just let me know if you want me to come pick you up or not. See you later bug."

"Ugh! Why did dad have to call me that in front of him?" She laughed as she started the next message.

"Lake. We just got a call. Please text or call me back. Please? Please tell me you're okay. Please God..."

The line went dead. Lake's stomach twisted, an immediate wave of nausea crashing into her.

"Dammit Logan! You said you wouldn't tell him. Now he's worrying for nothing."

She opened her texts, the first five similar to the second voicemail, but the sixth said 'I'll be there in a few'.

She started to text back 'I'm okay', but before she could even hit the send button, the front door crashed open, the sound of boots thudding through the foyer, racing up the stairs.

Next thing she knew, she was wrapped up and pulled off her feet and up against Hayden's uniformed, rain soaked chest.

She squeaked in surprise, but threw her arms around his neck when she felt his entire body shaking.

Running her fingers through his hair, down his neck, and back up again, she felt the shaking subside just a bit.

"Hey, calm down. I'm fine. I'm right here. I'm just sore is all."

His breath caught. "Why are you sore?" He growled the question.

"The car that hit me earlier? Is that not why you're freaking out thinking I'm hurt?" Lake tried to pull back to look at his face, but was stopped as he clung to her even tighter, the warmth of his body starting to reach her through the mere towel she had on.

"H-Hayden? Can I get down? I-I need to change." She stuttered, her voice faltering.

His only response was a single sniffle. He simply held her to him, his nose buried in her hair as he wrapped his body around hers.

"Hayden, what's going on?" Lake demanded an answer.

Forcing his head up, she grabbed his cheek, dragging it over so he would look at her.

Gritting his teeth, he untangled her from his grasp as he set her down, but said nothing.

His eyes met hers.

That look. The one she had seen entirely too often when she was thirteen years old. I know that look. The look she had gotten so tired of seeing from others when her mother passed away. Pain. And pity.

"Hayden." Lake snarled. "Tell me what the fuck is going on."

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, taking a single step forward, but she retreated, shaking her head.


"I'm so sorry Lake. God I.. I know that means nothin' right now, but fuck, I don't... I don't know what to say. I don't know what to do. Tell me what you need me to do. Tell me. I... I can't... I-" his voice became a whisper, no longer able to force even the smallest word out anymore. The only sound Lake heard was that of the soft sobs coming from the man in front of her.

She stared at him. Wordless. Unblinking. Holding a breath she never wanted to let go of.

She stumbled back a step.

The last thing Lake saw was Hayden lunging towards her as her vision went black.

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