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( made by soulofstaars )

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( made by soulofstaars )

revenge is the foundation of justice. justice began with revenge, and revenge is still the only justice some beings can ever hope for.

matthew stover            revenge of the sith


The Living Force in all its infinite, cosmic, unceasing torment has made sure of it, linking her lifeline to a myriad of others and gifting her with the exquisite agony of knowing how it feels to take those final labored breaths before succumbing to eternal rest. To be gunned down in an instant by those you once considered friends and comrades; to be hunted like prey by shades of hatred and fear ... Izumi Wren knows a great many things that a young girl should not know.

And she's angry about it.

Her old masters at the Jedi temple would have had something to say about that. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering ... Izumi doesn't care much for old proverbs and platitudes these days anger seems to be the ally that she needs right now, so long as it means that the right people are the ones who are suffering in the end and besides: she was never one for blind devotion anyways. Not since the Jedi Order wasted her young years, dangling something they would never allow her to have above her head before ripping it away and casting her aside like she meant nothing to them.

(Then again: perhaps they could see from the beginning that Izumi was never Jedi material; that she was always destined to become a vicious, hateful little thing, filled to the brim with her father's rage and her mother's willful nature ...)

But the Jedi Order is gone now, hunted down and slaughtered by the galaxy's newly crowned Emperor and his rabid red-blade wielding dogs. The irony of it all does not escape her and if it wasn't so fucking morbid and unbearably tragic, Izumi thinks she might have laughed to see the once mighty Order reduced to two of its biggest failures: herself and Ahsoka Tano, the former Padawan of the Chosen One ... Except Ahsoka has never been a failure. (Not like Izumi, at least. If anything, the Jedi Order failed her but that's a sadder story.) Because in spite of all her protests and her humble self-deprecation, Ahsoka is perhaps the best legacy that the Jedi could have hoped for; so nauseatingly good, so frustratingly selfless, so completely polar from Izumi herself that it might've made her sick, if she hadn't already been half-in love with her for years.

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