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"Marinette wake up" i heard someone scream in my ear I replied with a loud groan and turned the other way "come on girl wake up it 8:49!" she yelled louder.I quickly lifted my body up and turned to the ombre haired girl wide eyed "Why didn't you wake me up earlier Al's!?" i screamed in panic alya just rolled her eyes "well i tried to even Ellis was getting tired and already left" she said i guess your wondering WHO IS ELLIS. Well Ellis is our third roommate and our best friend we met in a boutique well not really met   we really actually ran into each other and then found out we were going to be roommates and we've been besties ever since we still need an 4th roommate but we never found one yet but i heared there going to be a new student most likely there going to be our roommate but it really depends if it's a boy or girl they really don't let boys and girls stay in a dorm likely but who knows.

If it's a he they might but i only say that because my friend nino and his friend fin are rooming with two girl's one of the girls who is Mira who is Ellis cousin and another girl named Lacey or the dorm thee dorms down our has 3 boys and 1 girl there i think here name is l-lia or something that starts with and l i think there are 2 more  but that's the only ones i know.

I quickly got up past alya and picked out a O neck crop top with a long sleeve shirt and sweat pants and my black and white vans and put my hair into a messy bun  instead of my signature pig tales and grabbed my grey bag and tried to look for my phone "oh on where is it come on phone not now!" i whispered yelled.

5 minutes later

"Found it!" i yelled while my phone was high in my hand.I checked the time.."OH CRAP IT'S 9:05!" I yelled  again rushing out the door.

In class

I opend the door in my class slightly then all of the students eyes were on me including this guy with gorges emerald green eyes  "Marinette your late again that's the 2nd time this week!" the teacher remarked " i'm sorry this is the 2nd and last time i promise" i said walking to my desk next to alya while i was walking i could here some snickers from the seat next to mine where i saw some of my friends Kim and max holding in there muffled laugh i gave the a quick glare and they stopped.

" anyways,due to Ms.dupain-chengs  late entry" Ms.landlady said i gave an awkward chuckle and she continued "this is adrien his is a new student in the class piratically  i don't know if he's in any of you guys other classes but he is in this one...many of you know him as adrien agreste,Gabriel agreste son" I could hear some of the students squeal and i could one whisper "he is so hot" and honestly i couldn't lie he was pretty hot his jaw line was so perfect and i could see his eyes oh.my.god his eyes were so green he was captivating and attractive and don't even get me started on those mus- before i could  finish someone yelled my name "Marinette are you paying attention" Ms landlady said "Oh umm sorry what" i swing my arms knocking down my books i quickly get up and try to get my books until i can feel a warm soft hand on mine i look up and it's him adrien our eyes meet for a few seconds until the teacher interrupts us "ah look at that such a gentlemen Mr agreste" she says staring at us both i quickly get up my books and greeting him and hello and thanks  before sitting down.

Adriens pov

I walk over to help her with her books and bend down she looks up at me and our eyes meet she was beautiful and gorges she had these gorges blue bell eyes like and ocean i was about to open my mouth and say something when the teacher interrupted us "ah look at that such a gentlemen Mr agreste"she says the girl got up and grabbed her books her name was marinette i think it was beautiful name.

She says hello and thank you before she sat down in her seat....

I hoped you all enjoyed it's 11:42 at night and this was just and idea tell me what you think about it oh and i almost forgot the word count is 836 words. 

sorry for any grammar mistakes

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