"NEW Roommate"

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After  all my classes and courses were finished i headed back to my dorm i got out my keys from my backpack I wiggled the keys to get in the door I opened the door walking to my my room and i saw suit cases in the hallway while i was walking.The coler was green and black.

"hello is anyone here Al's,Ell" i yelled my voice echoed in the hallway walking towards the empty extra room.A blonde haired boy came out and scared the heck out of me!.

"MEEP"  i squeaked.

"O-oh my god i'm so sorry" the blonde boy apologized."Marinette? right" he asked waving his hand in the air to catch my attention "Oh my god yes i'm so sorry yes it's marinette" i said shaking my head and reaching my hand out for him to shake "Adrien right?" i ask him "yep that's me he says"while shaking my hand."so...umm...your my new roommate" i ask avoiding contact "yes he said i guess" he says shaking his head.

We stand there in and awkward silence for a few seconds i was the first one to break the silence.

"umm....i'm going to go to my room now" i say walking towards my room "uh yeah " he says in reply i walk to my room. 

30 minutes later

After i got my essay done i went out my room to go make some milk for myself but before i got up i got a text from Ellis.

ELLIS:hey me and alya are on our way home.

Marinette:Okay but in have to tell you something.

ELLIS:What is it?

Marinette:We have a new roommate


Marinette:Yes it is

ELLIS:That is so cool maybe you guys can ya know date!?

Marinette:Why would you that  we just met!?

ELLIS:Girl don't lie to me i saw how you two were looking at one another in class earlier half of the people in the English  class were talking about it!

Marinette:Whatever bye i'm going to make some milk



ELLIS:So when you kiss mr hottie he won't complain about you breath! LOL

Marinette:you are so childsih!

ELLIS:But u luve mwe

Marinette: no i hate u

"How could people even think that" i thought to myself "well yeah he's cute and handsome and-No bad Mari you guys just met but it honestly feels like we've known each other forever" i think. I open the door and i run into someone.

It was adrein....

Adriens POV

I go out to get my other suit case but then i run into someone.

It was marinette... 

"Oh my god adrien I am so sorry i-" she starts babbling until she looks up and meets my gaze we both stare at each other for a few seconds but it felt like hours. her lips looked so soft i wanted to kiss her  I just met this girl but i feel like I've known her forever we both start to move closer her face getting a slight pink blush upon them she looked so adorable i could feel my face heating up our nose touch i could feel her hot breath on mine and our lips are about to touch until-

Someone bust open the door we both look back at the door two girls bust in the room one dark skinned girl with hazel eyes and ombre hair she had a blue long sleeve sweater crop top and skinny jeans and white boots and another girl who had much lighter skin then the one next to her she had brown wavey hair and green eyes like mine and she had on a yellow sun dress and a black short jacket with black flats they both looked at us in shock the girl with brown hair look to the ombre haired girl stuck out her hand and said "pay up" with a mischievous voice the girl with ombre hair pulled out 5 dollars and handed it to her me and marinette just watched them in confusion "Okay will leave you two love birds alone chow!" the ombre haired girl said as they walked out with two smirks on there faces.

me and marinette both looked at each other 

"did they just be-"


"okay umm by" 


we both went our separate ways in our room....

Okay so i hope you guy enjoyed this quick serious i  had A good time writing this but this was it so i hope you enjoyed by!

oh and the word count was 776 words i hope you guys liked Ellis and everyone else and sorry about the any misspelled words!!

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