Day 1

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"Jason! You're going to be late!" My dad had yelled. That day was one of the most important days of my life. I had packed my bag; I usually skipped breakfast anyway. I felt the spring air as I stepped outside. I shoved my hood on. I knew my hair would be messed up after. I didn't care. It was about a twenty minute walk to Michael's Academy for Growing Minds. Everyone there hated that name, so we shortened it to "MAGM" And eventually "MAGMA". 

 As I turned the last corner to school, I saw a flood of kids walking into the building, and trying to find people. I sprinted up near the swarm of people and scanned for two people. After a few minutes of looking around, I found them. 

"Jay!" Someone called to me. It was Emico and Peyton. The two people who really cared about me.

"What did we talk about?!" Peyton yelled at me. "Don't hide your face in your hoodie!" They took off my hood. 

"And it ruins your hair!" Emico added.

"You know I don't care." I said.

"You should!" Emico said. "You're so pretty! All the boys will want you!"

"Right, since SO many boys wanted me last year." I said sarcastically.

"We need to get to class. C'mon!" They continued, And we walked into the building.

We walked into Ms. Anderson's room and I sat down next to Peyton and Emico. I pulled my hood back up, but felt a hand tug it back down. I looked over and saw Peyton give me a "Stop it, we talked about this" look. 

"Fine." I said, and sank into my chair.

"Good morning, class." Ms. Anderson said. "I'm going to start us off with attendance. Kenan Abner?"

"Here." a voice in the back row said.

"Saphire brown?" The attendance continued until: "Ash Whitlock?" I turned around. A beautiful face, ruffled brown hair and green eyes said with a smile, "Here." To this day I still think he has the cutest smile. He saw me, and gave a little wave. I waved back, with a little smile. My cheeks were red. I feel someone tap my shoulder. It's Emico.

"Who's that?" She whispered. "He must have moved here. He's a perfect match for you!"

"I don't even know him yet." I said. "He could be a jerk." Although I highly doubted it.

"Come on." Peyton said. "After school go talk to him."

"Sure." I said. For the rest of the day I couldn't focus. My mind was completely on Ash. The day had finally ended, and we flooded out of the hallway. After a few minutes of waiting and looking, I saw him. On his own, with his books in hand. I told myself to breathe, a task that was remarkably hard to remember to do, and walked up to him. "Hey." I said.

"Oh, hi!" He said, looking over to me.

"I'm Jason, from homeroom. You waved at me."

"Yeah! I remember." 

"So," I said as we walked out of the building. "You're new here, right?"

"Yeah. We moved here two weeks ago. It's been kind of hard on my parents, and on me. People usually hate me when they meet me."

"Why? You seem nice." I said.

"Thanks..." A small smile returned to his face. All I could think right then was "Don't screw up don't screw up don't screw up."

"Um... if you wanted maybe... I could walk you home?  You know maybe- maybe get to know each other better."

"Oh, um, sure! I would love that." My thoughts then turned into "YES! YES! I DID IT! I DIDN'T TURN INTO A NERVOUS WRECK!" 

"Ok great." And we started walking.

"So," Ash said after a few minutes of silence. "How have you been doing?"

"Oh, um..." I start. "Fine I guess. You?" I wasn't gonna go into detail about my depression and parents just yet.

"I'm ok. My parents have been struggling a bit so I've been helping them out."

"Oh. Well I hope it gets better." I said.

"Thanks. You're really nice. I'm glad I met you."

"Thanks. I try my best."

"Hey, what's that stain on your jacket?" He asked. I had forgotten I was wearing my white hoodie. I was planning to throw it out last night.

"Oh- um... the red one? that's... cranberry juice I spilled it last night at dinner." I knew that was terrible. I could see the look of suspicion in his eyes. And just between you and me, it wasn't cranberry juice.

"Oh." He said. A buzzing sound came from his pocket. "One sec." He said, and answered his phone. "Oh hi mom." I heard him say. "Yeah... Yeah I'm on my way home... No... ok I'll be there soon." He hung up. "Sorry, I have to go. Talk tomorrow!" He said, and he pulled out his skateboard from his backpack, and skated away.

"Bye..." I said, but I knew he couldn't hear me. I continued my walk home. 

I walked up the front steps and took out my key. I hung my backpack on a hook and walked up to my room. I tossed my hoodie into the trash, and settled into my bed. I took my phone out, and waited until dinner. 

"So," My mom said. "How was school?"

"Fine." I said, picking at my food.

"Did you meet anyone special?" My dad said, and winked at me.

"No, dad." I said with a sigh.

"Well your father has a point." My mom continued. "It's about time you got a girlfriend."

"Mom there's still time. Maybe I'll meet someone." But of course, I wouldn't. I wouldn't meet a girl at least. I cleared my plate, and went upstairs.

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