A Start Of An Era

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This world was once ravaged by war. People suffered, and lost family. This all happened 120 years ago, mind you. The war ended by the hands of the Enlightened One with his friend by his side, The Master Tactician. Who knows what happened to them after the war. I've lived as a prince for 17 years. I've learned the history of Fódlan. Legends say that the Enlightened One and the Master Tactician worked together as friends to end Nemesis. The words of that battle really took to my heart. "We reach out our hands in friendship. And open our true hearts to one another." Those words made me realize that we should trust our friends and work with them and unite the world. 

It was just a normal day walking through the monastery. I was looking at the famous tapestries of the final battle. These paintings were painted by my great-grandfather, Ignatz Victor. His paintings showed depictions of the final battle, and when the battle was won he painted a picture of his classmates. "Byleth, looking at his paintings, are you?" I turned around to see my mom watching me.

"Yeah. Mom, did he ever show you one of his paintings?" I asked. 

My mom shook her head. "He never did. In his final words, he said 'I wish you could've seen the whole world with me'. After he passed away I found his old paintings in a drawer that said For: Erica." She then paused. "Those paintings are the ones you see here." My eyes widened.

"So the pictures he gave you are these? That's so cool." I paused. "I want to be like Ignatz someday." 

My mom smiled. "I'm sure you will." She then left me a note. "Read this tonight." And then I saw her leave. I looked down at the note and then looked back up.

As I was walking away to my room I looked at a painting that showed my ancestors and their friends, Byleth, Lysithea, Leonie, Raphael, Lorenz, Hilda, Claude, Ignatz, Cyril, Marianne, Alois, Manuela, Hanneman, Judith, Seteth, Catherine, and Shamir. By the way, Seteth and Flayn look a lot like two of the professors at the academy this year. "I have one big family." I said to myself. My great-grandparents are Byleth, Lysithea, Leonie, Lorenz, Hilda, Cyril, Ignatz, Maya. I sighed and walked into my room.

"What does this note say?" I opened it up. 'Dear Byleth Gloucester, we are happy to say that you got accepted into the academy. We will be awaiting your arrival to Garreg Mach Monastery. You will also be the house leader of the White Dragon house. Sincerely, Seth.' I then read it again to make sure I wasn't seeing things. "YES! I GOT IN!!" His parents then opened up his door.

"Why are you yelling?" My dad asked with a shocked look on his face.

I pointed to the letter. "I got into the Officer's Academy. And I'm going to be the house leader of the White Dragon house!" My dad laughed.

"Byleth, tradition is. The first born of the royal Family of Fódlan is always going to be the house leader of the White Dragon house. I was the house leader, same with your grandmother." I sighed.

"Who came up with that rule?" I then stopped. "It was the first king of Fódlan, wasn't it?" My parents nodded.

"Yes, Byleth Eisner. Your great-grandfather. And who you're named after." My dad started to tear up. "He died right in front of my eyes. We were on a mission to subdue some bandits. The leader stabbed him in the chest." I looked down. "He was the strongest warrior that I ever knew. And bravest. I never knew anyone could defeat him."

??? POV

I looked into the prince's room and saw the king tearing up. He's talking about the Enlightened One. The first king and savior of Fódlan. He's talking about him. I then walked away and went to a different part of the monastery. "I can't let them know my true identity. If they do, everything will fall into chaos. I have to keep up the act and not let them know."

Byleth's POV

I heard footsteps walking in the hallway. "Dad, someone's here." I pointed to the entrance of my room.

"No one's there, son. It must have been your imagination." 

"But, I heard footsteps. I know someone is there." I got off of my bed and grabbed my bow that was laying on the table leg. "I'll be back soon." I walked out of the room in a rush.

As I was running down the hallway I saw a person in black coat. "Hold it right there!" I yelled at the person. They turned around.

"Hello, prince. Well, you've caught me." He put his hands up. 

"Professor Brendan? How did you get in here?! The guards should've been protecting this part of the monastery." 

"Prince, I have my ways. And I am happy to have you in my class. I'll be your professor starting next month." He then ran towards a window and jumped out. 

He is one strange guy. I then stretched and walked back to my room.

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