Finally and Welcome

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HI! The chapter is finally here, I hope you enjoy this ride, where some may be good or bad, and if you want, pls give any advice on making this better, I'll see you later!

Heads up:

Y/N=Your Name     f/f=fav food

y/a=your age         f/h=fav hobby

 f/c=fav color         f/v=fav movement( of your magic) (this will explain later in the furture)

n/n=nick name

You were a scientist at y/a, you had a sister named Judith(My OC) also a scientist, both of your parents were smart cookies, your mom was a secretary of (insert company name you like), and you dad was that company's boss, and the company mainly do anything that included science, and the company was found by your parents btw.

When you and Judith were young, both of you hang out in the company often, and you saw a lot of people made contracts with your parents as well, sometimes you were too curious then get in trouble with your sis.

Few years later, you and your sis were kinda like a boss part of the company, why a company has three bosses, because your dad gave both of you a branch of your own, still you work together of course, and you have your own secretary as well, you even had a f/h that includes a little science related( I know it's seems bull but bare with me a bit here), and your sis has the same as well, and because of that, your parents gave a test to see if your capable being a scientist and being a boss, and well you past obviously, if not then you have to learn somewhere then come back, but there's no need.

Since both of you are definite smart cookies as well, you can do something else while also keeping eye on your part, then your sis came up with something.....

*Ring ring* you:"Hello this is (company's name), and this is Y/N speaking."

Judith:"N/N ! Why gotta be so formal?"

you:"Well, I didn't knew it was you sis, why don't you call on my phone instead of using branch number?"

Judith:"Well, because I just thought of something and first thing in my mine is to grab a phone but I can't find it so I use this one, but hey, at least you picked it up anyway."

you:"Yeah whatever, what's the thing ya wanna tell me?"

Judith:"I wanna go somewhere."

you:"Like a trip or something?"

Judith:"Yeah something, like that, and guess where I'm gonna suggest?"

She said with excitement.

you:"Mexico? If it is, isn't that the place we've been wanting to go?"

Judith:"YES! And we're going tomorrow!"

you:"Wait what?! What about the companies?"

Judith:"No worries, I invented a device that can teleport us when it's urgent, and we have like 2 or 3 secretaries, so you can let them be a temporary be the boss, since we pick them carefully enough, and they do well too."

you:"True but that still won't let me be more less worried, and also, can't we teleport ourselves?"

Judith:"First, it'll be fine I promise, second, we can but that'll take up a lot of energy to teleport a country to another, if it doesn't, we can pack now and leave."

you:"oh..ok, then I'll see you tomorrow, I'll inform dad about this."

Judith:"OK then, bye~"

You later then tell dad about it, he said it's fine as long as you keep an eye on your company from time to time and bring them some souvenirs, and also not to let too much people knew too much about your magic, you see your magic is special, when you and Judith were born, this gift came along with you, your parents are from a family that have this special gift, and since this is a two generation mash up, both of you were very powerful, and your parents taught you to controlled it, once you found a book somewhere in your grandparents attic, a book to boost your magic, you then took the book and learned it, and you were the strongest one among your family, but of course your grandparents helped you along the way because they saw the potential  in you. But looking forward for tomorrow, you went to do your stuff, your work, and later in the day, you pack your stuff for tomorrow.

Meanwhile (In the lab)


Dr. Flug:"I-It's r-r-right here s-sir, I'm s-still w-working some parts, p-please d-don't k-kill me."

BH:"Then hurry the FUCK UP!"



Demencia:"*Comes in with puppy doll eyes* Yes?"


Dem:" Uh.....Keep destroying?"

BH:"NO! And wtf is that you're holding?"


She then laughed maniacally and running and jumping around the lab, BH pinched between his eyes, annoyed by the hype lizard, :"Dr. Flug?"

Dr. Flug:"O-On it sir."

he used the tranquilizer and Dem collapsed.



Dr. Flug:"You know what to do."

5.0.5:"Roger that."

BH:"Can a day be more worse than this?"


The device Flug made exploded because Dem must have damaged while in her hype mode. And BH was super frustrated that he peeled off his face, Flug was terribly got scared by that, and he quickly ran off to get the supplies, BH just went to his office to cool down his temper. 5.0.5 then later went to the lab to clean up the mess they made, poor bean.

Back to you

you:"A few more hours then we're gonna have the trip to Mexico, hope there is good, and I have the translate candy ready in case some of them can't really speak English, wonder how sis is doing?"

Judith packed a lot of stuff like make ups some dresses and others, you have some of them as well but with the normal amount, unlike her, she literally have to pack 2, since you pretty much ready for tomorrow, you went to bed early, so you can get up earlier than your sis, cause she pretty much will overslept, being the younger sibling, you pretty much more responsible than her.

Aaaaand that's it for the first chapter, how was it, good? bad? sucks so much? comment below if you wish, and I'll see u next time. BUHYE

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