Part 2

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You had your stuff along some techy stuff, and because your family is on the higher society part, so have a family jet and some mini jets as well, they're just emergency use that's all.

You woke before your sis, but you're feeling lazy to call her right away, you then press a coffee button on your desk and went to do your routine.


When you finished your routine, your coffee was done as well, you called your sis


Judith:"*yawns* Whaaat?"

you:"I hope you remember where we'll going today!"

Judith:"I dunno wha-"

Then you heard some shuffling, you guess that she just realized what you meant, so you hung up and went to drink coffee, you know she's going to take long, getting ready is long, doing make up is long, you went to change a decent f/c hoodie or t-shirt, you're really feeling lazy today, so  you put some simple make up, then you teleport to the jet first, your parents were right at a small tent waiting.

Dad:"Hey honey! Where's your sis?"

you:"She's getting ready."

Mom:"Well I hope she won't take too long, and be careful out there ok? Feel free to come back anytime you want immediately!"

you:"It's fine ma, I' already capable of looking after a branch myself"

Dad:"Indeed, she's very responsible, no need to worry."

you:"Welp, I'm going in there to wait sis while eating jet food."

Mom:"Oh and don't forget to eat healthy food!"

you:"I will!"

You went in there to wait for your sis, but because she's late so the conditioner can't open first.

you:"I hope she'll be quick, or else I'll melt."


Judith teleport in front of your parents, seems a little out of breath.

Mom:"Oh My, honey did you remember to bring the stuff you need?"

Judith:"Yes yes, I did."


Judith:"Yes dad!"

Mom:"Good, look after yourself and Y/N, and be more careful ok? And eat more healthy food too!"

She ran quickly to the jet.

Judith:"Yeah I will~!"

You then saw an ruhing idi-woman, who is your big sis.

Sis:"Ah sorry I'm late, I muat;ve slept through my alarms."

you:"At least it's a private jet, you're lucky."

Sis:"C'mon, n/n give me a break~"

you:"You stated the idea first, I've done my part, and I just help you your part of waking up."

Sis:"Geez, why you're so cold?"

you:"Probably because not enough sleep, waking my big sis up who over slept, being under the BIG HOT sun which that doesn't make sense because it's only 7 am, and the conditioner can't open because you're late."

Sis:"Okay~ I'm sorry, It...might not happen again..."

you:"Well, at least you're honest with the 'might', some people tend to break that 'will'."

Sis:"It doesn't seems I'm been forgived."

you:"Well, you have my word."



Dr. Flug's POV

(Alarm at 7)

*Beep beep* *Bop* 

Ugh! Another going to be exhausting day. At least 505 is here with me, speaking of him...

"Wake up 505~"


we went to do our own routines  I went to check on Demencia, and 505 went to make breakfast for everyone, but I'll be eating in the lab, since BH always rush me to invent some useful stuff immediately.

And I arrived at the lab, and the kitchen is upstairs, and I smell, bacon, delicious bacon, it seems 505 is making a simple bacon and eggs with some vegetables, for BH, he always eat something rich flavored, like the bacon's meat is beef, and eggs are ostrich eggs or something, just some rich flavored stuff.

I actually had been in the diner room a few times, and it seems very dangerous, Dem always trying to show affection, she either picked her food or BH's, then kept feeing it to him, and there's once she's too hungry that she tried to eat BH's then she almost got eaten by a venomous snake.

So eating in the lab with 505 isn't that bad at all, is just sometimes BH or Dem will burst in and made me eat cold food later, or Dem will just snatch mine......Anyways I have to get back to working on a device that can defeat heros, can't tell you that now because the author haven't thought os the name and the usage of it, it probably will be told in the future I think.....



Another boring day, feeling pathetic while eating my breakfast, Dem was trying to show affection again, this time she got mine immediately, and started to stir it, I looked in disgusted, then she gave me a chunk of what she made, idk what got in her head thinking that's good.

Then I left to my office, letting her eat mine cause I don't care, and one good thing is that I had a small hidden kitchen in the office, I had Flug built it and make auto cleaning robots and chef, in case I'm going to be on here any time.

I sat on the counter/bar like chair and press the chef button, waiting while drinking  the coffee that I saved from that horrifying  woman. I looked at the newspaper, I read an article about (Your company)y/c, seems interesting, if we work together, we can produce a large amount of weapons, Mwhahaha, but I don't even where they are.

Whatever, I'll find more employees if I had to, then I don't have to shout all the time to that sloth, even shouting is tiring,  'Mater your breakfast is ready!', I then took it from it's cold, techy hands, Flug must've misprogram putting it in front of me, well, I'll let it slide, usually I cooked for myself in this situation, so it's fine, while eating breakfast and thinking, what I'll shall do today.....probably signing contracts and making deals with customers. 

Still boring.

Ending it here, hope it's good, BUHBYE.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2020 ⏰

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