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During the entire dinner, Annabeth and Percy were talking and laughing. They got to know each other well. Annabeth found out Percy had fish, loved the beach, and had a little sister. By the end of the party, Percy and Annabeth had gone from "polite" to "real friends".

On the ride home, Annabeth couldn't stop thinking about Percy. Even when she got home and got ready for bed, Percy was the only thought on her mind. She laid awake in bed thinking about him, but caught herself afterwards. I am not falling for this guy.

Eventually, she fell into a restless sleep.


The next morning, Annabeth woke up with more eye bags than when she stayed up reading or designing buildings. She rolled her eyes and scolded herself for thinking about he-who-must-not-be-named. Annabeth quickly got ready and went downstairs, following her usual routine of grabbing some yogurt, getting her bag, and walking to school.

On the way there, she saw a car slow down next to her. The window opened. Annabeth was about to take off her backpack to smack their face when she recognized that it was Percy.
"Hey, Wise Girl. Why're you walking out there in the cold? Don't you have a car?" He said. His blue-green eyes were shining and he had his trademark lopsided grin on.

"Nope. I skipped a grade, so I'm not old enough," Annabeth replied. The wind was blowing into her face. The weather was chilly outside, so she was wearing a beanie over her curly blonde hair instead of brushing it, since it had gotten tangled from her night of sleep. She was also wearing a scarf and sweater, jeans, and winter boots.

"Here, hop in, considering that school starts pretty soon, anyway." Percy said, climbing out of the car and opening the passenger's seat for her.

"Thanks, Seaweed Brain. And speaking of which, it's your second day here, and you already have your scheduled memorized?" 

Percy grinned. "I sure do. See, I'm smart. Oh, and did I mention that you look stunning in that beanie?" 

Annabeth rolled her eyes. "Gee thanks. But you didn't have to tell me, I ALWAYS look stunning." She joked. 

Percy held up his hands. "Okay, okay, I'm not going to disagree."

She knew they were joking around, but she couldn't help but feel warm inside.

On the way there, Percy turned on the radio, and the pair listened to 70s music. "Oh, this is my favorite!" Percy exclaimed. "My stepdad is trying to get Estelle into it. He sings this to her every day."

"You may sayyyy I'm a dreamer," Annabeth sang. She wanted to meet Estelle so badly.

"But I'm not the only one," Percy joined in. 

"Wow, you can sing!" Annabeth said, her mouth open. 

Percy laughed. "I mean, yeah. Is it that surprising?" 

Annabeth shook her head. "I mean- well-"

"It's fine, Wise Girl. And by the way, you're lucky that I drove today. I would've brought my skateboard, but my mom wouldn't let me. She said it was too cold and all," Percy said, rolling his eyes as they pulled up to the school. "You think it would've been warmer considering global warming."

She chuckled.

The friends climbed out of the car. Percy and Annabeth headed inside. "Oh, and also, I got a locker change after my fight with Luke. The principal thought we couldn't handle being next to each other-"

"And she was right," Annabeth finished. "So, what's the number? I can show you."

Percy frowned. "J108." Annabeth grinned. "Hey, I'm J107! Finally, I have a locker buddy!" 

Percy smiled, then shrugged. "Good thing it's you. If it was one of those girls again, I would've screamed.

Annabeth frowned in confusion, but only later did she realize who those girls were.


"PERCY!!!" Girl number four yelled. "PERCY, SIT HERE!!!"

Annabeth sighed. It was only homeroom, and girls from everywhere seemed to flock and ask Percy to sit next to them instead of her, which is where he was sitting right now Thankfully, Percy was definitely against sitting next to them, but she couldn't help but feel bothered, then annoyed that she actually felt bothered in the first place.

"Everyone, settle down," Mrs. Windrecker said, frowning at the girls, who had sadly resumed their seats. During homeroom (which was a free period to do homework), Percy and Annabeth continued talking. Annabeth was glad that she had met him. She couldn't help but enjoy their conversations.

Percy was so easy to talk to. Normally, Annabeth wasn't one for long conversations, but she couldn't stop talking to him. He was funny, too, and they broke out in laughter so many times, the teacher had to tell them to quiet down. They talked until the class period ended, and she couldn't help her disappointment.

Three more periods passed by. Annabeth sludged through all of them, waiting for lunch. Thankfully, Thalia was in her AP English class, so they had a good last period writing their essays, then making fun of Luke and Drew, who were so PDA, everyone couldn't stop making fun of them. 

Finally, it was time for lunch.

Operation Jiper.

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