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Quinn inhaled a breath as she woke up, the woman exhaling a second later.

It took her a moment to remember where she was, the woman glancing around, only to find herself in Dick's room, Dick sleeping beside her, his arm comfortably around her torso.

A few minutes later, Dick woke up, the man moving his arm from Quinn's torso as he shifted his position so he was lying on his back, facing the roof. He moved his pillow and sat up, resting his head against his pillow, which was now against the headboard.

Quinn rested on her elbow as she faced Dick, who glanced at her. "Morning."

"Morning." Dick responded as he glanced at Quinn.

Quinn sent the man a small smile. "Thanks for letting me stay here last night, I owe you one."

"Don't worry about it, you can stay here anytime you want." Dick replied with raised eyebrows, Quinn nodding as a momentary silence fell between the two.

"Dick, can I ask you a question?" Quinn spoke up, Dick glancing at her as he waited for her to continue. "What are we?"

"What?" Dick frowned in confusion.

"We haven't actually talked, you know?" Quinn responded, Dick's frown deepening. "Okay, all I'm saying is...I care about you, Dick. A lot. And I don't know if I'll scare you off, but I thought you cared about me too. If you don't feel the same, I guess the worst that could happen is that we stop speaking and-"

Dick cut her off mid-sentence, the man connecting his lips to hers and cupping her jaw as the kiss deepened.

After a moment, the two slowly pulled away, both Quinn and Dick's eyes opening, their gazes flickering between each other's eyes.

"Stop talking." Dick spoke quietly, his thumb gently rubbing circles on Quinn's cheek as a small smile overtook his features. "I care about you too, Quinn."

"You do?" Quinn raised her eyebrows, to which Dick nodded. "So...does this mean we're official now?"

A small smile overtook Dick's features as he spoke. "If you want to be."

Quinn chuckled as she connected their lips again, Dick grinning against her lips as the two pulled away.

"There's your answer." Quinn spoke with a smile, Dick huffing a chuckle as he glanced between her eyes.

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