Soul sister

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DEDICATED TO SWTSANDRICA123 ,my first virtual friend.

I waited for you so long may be right from my birth

I always searched for you everywhere I went

But you never came to enlighten my life, my sister,

I waited and waited and waited for getting a glimpse of you

But you never came out of your deep slumber

Until one day when I nearly gave up

The last strand of hope of finding you

You came into my life like a fairy god mother

who comes to her god child's help

we talked , laughed and also got into occasional fights like long lost friends,siblings

But only thing is we never knew each other's face

But is it that important when our hearts knew each other

we shared our thoughts through our words

yours were magical enough to enlighten my life

you came to my life when i nearly lost hope of everything

yours words hold some magic which made me smile

we shared our thoughts, like, dislikes and craziness through our words

though we were from different places we had some thing in common

which connected us with an invisible bonding.

but as everything good thing comes to an end

ours invisible bonding came to an end

we parted our ways with our minds too.

we missed our words and thoughts shared,

but what can we do it is the rule of life.

may be we might have met each other face to face

But failed terribly to recognize each other

because of our bonding to this world

but our mind and soul never failed to recognize the

bonding we shared but we pretended that it is nothing but our craziness

But our minds screamed to each other that it is your soul sister

we may have met at coffee shops or book stall staring at each others face

but failing terribly to recognize each others face

but our soul recognized each other that we are soul sisters

but we hesitated to extend our friendly hand to other

as we shared the same thoughts our actions too

go in a same hand in hand level

but our heart knew each others happiness and sadness

we celebrated each others happiness

not knowing why we feel this happy at this time

we cried for each others pain not knowing why we were crying

we gave the credit of our strange behaviour to our crazy mind

but little do we know that we actually

felt what other is feeling like the twins

though we failed to recognize each other and never knew each other

deep down inside we knew that we were soul sisters

but due to our adamant nature we never get to know each other as we should be

but we never failed to give a sweet smile to each other even if we are

strangers in this mortal world.

A/N Just some random thoughts jotted down as simple words. I hope no one will find my attempt on writing poetry as offensive.

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