Mysterious and miraculous casement.

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This thought is of 'Halona Vivaana Rochester 'from my novel beautiful life.

How she saw her life when she was Suddenly placed in such a situation.

How she saw her life when she was Suddenly placed in such a situation

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I was sitting ,sipping and savoring my coffee cappuccino

Viewing the wonderful sight revealing the beauty

Of nature,of people,of relationship,of love,

My window is a mesmerizing gateway in my life.

That leads my inner being to vistas of unending vision

It always unravels so many secrets and mysteries of life.

When the colourful tapestry is pulled aside

exposing the lushful scenario of world

So many untold secrets of life begin to unfold before me.

The merest of mere sight is precious to me

I am a person who gives more importance

And finds happiness in smallest of small things.

"Small things make perfection but perfection is not a small thing "

When others run behind humongous things in life

I just keep staring out of the window from my room.

Because I am only capable of that.

With a wheelchair as a beloved friend I have only

One job, just enjoy the beauty of the world and secrets of

World opening up generously and unreserved before me.

Speaking to me silently, Never getting bored of me,

"Drink deep from all I give you and never be saturated or fed up

Of my bountiful granary and barn. "

Seasons come and go revealing the passing episodes of kaleidoscopic phenomena.

Winter, with beautiful snow flakes as gift,

Spring with wonderful miraculous colour of nature,

Autumn with shedding of leaves from deciduous trees,

Summer with sun and shade ,

All these marvellous miracle of nature take me to a jolly sublime zenith of mirth,

But at times I crave for a friend who understands me,
Who accepts me, loves me, consoles me,comforts me,
For what I am ,with every minus in me

Which these windows are incapable of providing with,

My life is trapped in this chair eternally,

But my life doesn't end here May be in others eyes

It is end of everything!

But for me it is the beginning of everything

Beginning to love my life as it is

Beginning to love my small world as it is

Beginning to enjoy my Life,know my life this close,

With all the limited resources available

I make my life more happy,lovely and lively,

By finding happiness in every available thing before me

For me every single detail is important as anything

Which this miraculous and mesmerizing window provides me.

A/n thank you so much my lovely and good readers for reading this poem

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A/n thank you so much my lovely and good readers for reading this poem. It is just a random thought.

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