Marriage is not just about two individuals marrying each other rather it's about the bonding between the couple and two families.
"Bhaiya the---the groom ran away."
Pihu and Sahil were tied together in an arrange marriage with each other's consent...
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Third-Person POV
The eventful afternoon melted away into a warm evening. Currently Pihu and Prayan both were sitting in his car. They both weren't able to stop their smiling faces. It was one of the most wonderful day for both of them full of laughing and teasing each other.
"Thank you so much for today. I really enjoyed it." Pihu said with honesty. Her eyes were shining like stars.
"Your welcome. I am glad you enjoyed it. Your happiness is of great importance to me." Prayan whispered making Pihu's heart beat like crazy.
"I--I need to go. It's getting late." Pihu said while stuttering and immediately opened the door of the car. After exchanging goodbyes, she waved at Prayan like a small kid.
Pihu was walking towards her home, when her neighbours obstructed her movement.
"Pihu Beta(child) how are you?" One of the neighbour asked.
"I am good Aunty, how are you?" Pihu asked to the ladies standing in front of her. After calling the marriage off, it was the first proper conversation which she was having with her neighbours.
"We are good as well. Umm-- Pihu then when are you sending us the invites?" Both the ladies inquired curiously.
"Invites? Which Invites Aunty?" Pihu asked confusingly.
"Regarding your marriage. Actually we saw you with a young man and you both seem quite close. We probably thought that you have finally forgot your past and moved on." One of them said with a sickening smile on their face.
"Aunty he is my friend nothing else and I request you to stop meddling in my personal life. If I were to get married, you would surely get invites." Pihu said firmly and made her way towards the entrance of her home.
"Friend really? Earlier your would to be husband was also your good friend and then what? he ditched you. Probably he understood how disrespectful you are and now you are lurking around another man." The other lady said spitting her words harshly making Pihu freeze. She was at the verge of losing her sanity. Tears flowing through her eyes constantly.
"ENOUGH" Came a loud booming voice which made everyone standing there freeze. Pihu finally felt relief swept over her when she heard that Voice.
"Who are you both to judge her character. What she is doing, with whom she is going, where she is going should be none of your concerns. I am really sorry for being disrespectful but I must say that you are judging someone's character based on someone else's opinions.
Problem with people like you is that even if a person does good throughout his life, there will always be naysayers who will try to convince you otherwise. You know why this happens? Because there are still women like Pihu for whom their self respect is more important then false rumours. Because there are still women like Pihu who stand for something which they feel is right. And people like you try to put them down, by doing there character assassination. Why don't we realise that a women is free to take her decisions and we are no one to meddle in her life. We forget to see the pain and misery in their life but we deliberately inflict them pain just for the sake of some drama.