Part 1: Establishment

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Ashlynn's alarm clock went off that morning and she jolted out of her sleep almost immediately as she practically slammed the poor beeping machine off of her end table as a guilty expression creeped onto Ashlynn's face as she rolled out her bed the comforter still wrapped around her body. Ashlynn has slept in tight shorts and a plain white shirt, as she hopped in her blanket tail type contraption that entrapped her body wh hike she made her way over to the bathroom door jostling it open the haze of sleep she was under practically making it impossible to do perform the simplest of tasks, she eventually slammed the door open and dropped the comforter on the ground and stripped down letting the shower water heat up. Once the water was hot enough she slipped in and began belting out "Waving Through A Window." From DEH. Once the shower was over Ash turbaned her hair up in a towel and wrapped another one around her body beginning to dry her naked body off. Eventually the blonde was done with her impossible morning routine and was left with enough time to head off to her local Coffee Bean for a cup of her favorite warm beverage. Ash placed her foot on the end of the bed as she tied her shoelaces and realized she hadn't texted Kai back last night, she was so busy re-reading the minutes from the last student council meeting that she forgot to respond. Ash snatched her phone from the dresser and began texting him, an immediate reply was found and a small smile spread across the blondes face. Ashlynn finished off the conversation and ran downstairs grabbing her backpack off an arm rest and heading out the front door hopping on her bicycle and began biking to the coffee shop.

Once she arrived at the cafe she took her regular seat with her laptop and began messaging "Rose" an account she started messaging last summer and now they practically became inseparable well as inseparable as two people online could be after all. She didn't know much about Rose but what she did know was that she enjoyed her company more than anything. Ashlynn began chatting away with her fingers going practically at record speed as an impossibly bright grin showed up on her face that she continued to keep the smile on her face, so caught up in her own chatting she hardly noticed Kai entering the store and sitting down in front of her smiling brightly like he usually did wondering what was making his friend so happy. A few minutes passed until he finally cleared his throat getting her attention once again. "Oh sorry I didn't realize you sat down I'm really sorry." Ashlynn blurted out continuing to type out her sentence and then giving her friend her full attention. "I'm sorry don't let me stop your happiness." Kai said in a joking tone taking a sip of his coffee and handing Ashlynn her cup. "Kai you're the main source of my happiness you doofus, and it's not really anything just some dumb chat." Ashlynn gave him a grateful nod and took a sip from her drink. Kai gave his friend a thoughtful look and without another word snatched at the laptop turning it in his direction and began speeding through the messages. Ashlynn almost spit out her drink when she realized Kai was reading her chats as she tried to grab the computer back from him whispering curses under her breath knowing he wouldn't let her live this one down. "You make me feel like the only girl in the world...." Kai read out loud choking back a laugh at his friends red as a rose cheek. Ashlynn wanted to run and hide as far away from the table as possible, just knowing he was reading their messages was enough to make her queasy. "Okay okay you read it now give it back!" Ashlynn reached for the laptop to no avail as Kai was pretty strong, way stronger than her. "Hey now there's at least 12 more conversations for me to read." He joked still scrolling through the text messages continuing to laugh as a couple minutes passed by where he would let out the occasional chuckle or two at the conversation, Ashlynn obviously dying of embarrassment with her hands over her eyes, she couldn't believe he was reading her messages with Rose! Once Kai was done reading he slid Ashlynn her laptop back and just chuckled. "It wasn't that bad! I mean do you even know the girl?" Kai slumped a little in his seat and began sipping his coffee again pondering who this Rose person could be. "I-" Ashlynn began stammering helplessly wondering if she should be completely honest or tell a flat out lie, she figured to just be upfront since Kai would figure out her lie anyways. "No I don't actually know her, b-but it feels like it." She was stuttering again and fiddling with a napkin, trying to avert from his gaze which obviously wasn't working for her. Ashlynn has already kicked herself a thousand times for telling a stranger so much about herself but at this point she couldn't help it, Rose seemed so trustworthy like someone she could depend on. "So you've told all of this to someone you don't know? Yikes...." Kai said in a more playful tone but he was serious, he cared a lot about Ashlynn hell maybe a little too much about her and didn't want anything happening to his only true friend. "Yeah yeah please spare me the lecture today, is your sister here yet?" Ashlynn was clearly trying to take all the heat off of her by standing up and looking out the window trying to spot Maria in the parking lot and sighing with great relief when the brown haired girls car pulled up in the handicapped spot and began blaring the horn practically a thousand times. Ashlynn turned over to Kai and packed up the laptop, grabbing her coffee and tapping him on the back, running outside faster than she ever could. Ashlynn hopped in the backseat next to Lyric and began scrolling on her phone messaging Rose as soon as she sat down, slightly leaning against the car door to obstruct Lyric's view of the phone. Kai got into the front seat after Maria's obnoxious honking continued as she turned to her brother. "What took you so long?" Maria said blankly while pulling out of the parking lot and beginning the route to school. "I was busy umm.... my coffee wasn't prepared right." He looked in the dashboard mirror and could see the thankful expression on Ashlynn's face as he jolted his attention back to his sister that was giving him an odd look while still driving. "That's a diva thing to do.... I'm very proud of you." Maria smirked at her brother slightly and continued the drive to school turning up the radio to which was playing Kiss From A Rose by Seal, needles for say Ashlynn and Kai shared awkward looks the entire ride to school.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2020 ⏰

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