What are you doing here?

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It didn't take much doing for her dad to let her use the car, although they had promised her a car of her own for her eighteenth birthday, which wasnt very far behind just two months away.
She parked the 2009 silver acura in the parking lot behind the cafe. & glanced at her car mirror she tightdn her high ponytail & swiped her side bangs.

She looked good , just abit of mascara & blush to make her cheeks glow, the dark colors in her eyeshadow gave her a smokey eye look, it brought out her eyes more. She dressed casual because of course this was her teacher no reason to slut it up , a simple black speghetti strapped shirt that showed just abit of her neck. She was wearing her favorite neckalace her stepbrother had gave her afew years ago, he didnt live with them anymore but according to her step mom he was moving back after studying abroad in favorite place of all places Europe.
It was so beautiful a heart shaped locket that had a leaf carved around it,
She had never opened it before , never thought about something being inside.
She didnt realize it was a locket , all the times she had worn it , she never noticed. She held it out in front of her face & tugged at the tiny latch, it popped open, revealing a tiny picture of a little girl hugging an older woman.

She reconized that smile anywhere.
It was her mother, a lump forming in her throat , as a tear rolled down her cheek. She died when Peyton was seven to Terminal cancer. Fuck cancer she thought it takes the best people in your life from you. She remember it so well slowly taking pieces of her mother each day. God damn Liam how could he get her something like that , such an emotional gift but it made sense , shed grown extremely close to him when her father married his mother, & hadnt regretted it , he looked out for her & they could talk about anything. At that moment she didnt know who she missed more her brother or her mom.

But now wasnt the time, pull it together peyton , she told herself. She wiped her face hoping her makeup wasnt entirely ruined. & looked in the mirror, soon as she got home she'd call Liam. She got out the car & made her way through the backdoor of the cafe. God this place was nice , had a welcomy feel.

The stage was small , intimate with the crowd of small tables with two chairs each. Their was a coffee bar. & a balcony where you could get a better view of the stage. White christmas lights hung around the space, giving it a nice glow. She searched the large group of people looking for Jake, but no sign of him. So went and sat at the coffee bar & propped her elbow on the counter. A friendly looking redhead with a blue tshirt & a name tag that said Emily. " can I get you anything?"
Peyton smiled "yeah a small mocha"
"Sure thing" she said smiling.

Peyton continuously looked around, where was he? Would this be a all time thing, looking for him. Being fustrated.
A voice called her name, but it wasnt who she was expecting. " Peyyyy!"
It was alexis in a short cute dark blue dress. Her eyes widened. As they hugged " what are you doing here?"
Alexis smiled " I could say the same to you, im always here on open mic night, you Looke HOT!! Are you waiting for dylan? Or someone?" She said giggling.

"No just wanted to try something different"
"Yeah right you only do your makeup this way when your seeing someone specialll, oOoh are you cheating on dylan?" She said playfully teasing.
Peyton shook her head " no alexis stop!" She said her tone sounding serious.
Alexis smile faded " I was only kidding, chill peyton"
She covered her face for a moment " yeah im sorry im just on -"
She stopped midsentence when she saw jake at the door.

They locked eyes before he saw who she was with , he smiled & went back out the door. She rubbed alexis shoulder " I have to go , im sorry lexy, ill talk to you later"

"Okay" alexis said frowning in confusion.
She got up & passed through the crowd quickly trying to catch up to him.
When she got outside she didnt see him at all. Damn it. He was gone.

The dissappoinment took its course over her, maybe it was for the best , she frowned & headed for the parking lot to her car. As she walked. She thought about her mom & dylan & school.
She got to the car, she gasped.

He was there. Leaning against the car with his arms crossed looking ultimately hot in a leather jacket.
Damn this was about to get interesting.

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