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Louis' pov:

After the two alphas walk out if the room, I hop off the table and begin looking around the exam room.

I see a desk that i'm assuming has a bunch of doctor tools inside. A computer sits on top of the desk, locked. Posters litter the walls about the body and bones, muscles, and all around health. Pamphlets sit in a shelf, my curiosity spikes, so I walk over to them.

'Omega Health' is what the top one of the first pile reads. That spikes my interest, so I pick it up and begin reading.

Halfway through it I begin to grow angry, wondering how could somebody write this?

'An omega needs an alpha to live. That omega and alpha will bond and live happily in their pack.'

That line caught me. How can you tell somebody, especially an omega, that they need and alpha. I've gone my whole presented life without an alpha. I've spent the last months without a pack and i'm doing fine.

I try to calm down, setting the pamphlet back down and moving back to jump up onto the table. My breathing evens out and i'm calm once again, or at least as call as I can be.

I've never been a fan of the doctors, having a visit never be for good news. Bad things always come from doctors, medical issues and diagnosing, deaths. Nothing good ever comes out of doctor visits in my life.

I must've been so caught up in my thoughts, I didn't notice the two alphas come back into the room. They are both really intimidating but the curly haired one more so.

I still don't know either of their names, and it leaves an uneasy feeling in my stomach. The curly haired one is intriguing though, almost as if he's hiding something. For some weird reason, I want to know what it is, why he seems guarded but open at the same time.

I guess I forgot to say, that I can also read people very well, almost too good. It's like a sixth sense. It comes in handy most days, like this for instance.

"So, omega, what's your name." The doctor alpha asks me, rolling his wheeled chair over, sitting down on it with a clipboard in hand.

"L-Louis, Louis Tomlinson." I stutter out, internally smacking myself for stuttering but not being able to help it. The two alphas are staring at me intently, trying to read me.

"Well, Louis, i'm just going to do some general tests, take some blood, and do an overall check up, just to make sure you're okay." The doctor alpha speaks again.

"T-tests, b-blood? W-why?" I ask our shakily, not liking the idea of needles or what test they might do on me. I scoot back on the bed, bringing my knees up to my chest, in effort to make myself as small as possible.

"Louis? Are you alright?" The doctor asks out in a worrisome tone.

"N-no, p-please don't h-hurt me." I stumble with my words, tears already pouring down my face, my omega instinct kicking in, wanting to vanish away from the alphas who want to hurt me.

"We're not going to hurt you darling, I promise. Can you trust me? I promise you're safe here." The curly haired alpha speaks up. He takes a seat next to me on the bed, and I instantly scoot away, afraid of him hurting me.

"No h-hurt p-please." I say, feeling myself dropping. I feel so vulnerable, and I hate it. I'm supposed to be strong, but the stormy alpha scent is overwhelming my senses and I. and help but feel safe.

"I won't hurt you darling, I promise. Can I hold you, poppy. I just want to help you, make you feel safe and secure." The alpha speaks again.

All my brain can comprehend now is safe and alpha. I slowly unravel from my ball, and launch at the alpha sitting next to me, my mind screaming Alpha.

"There you go, poppy. See, you're safe. So safe with me. My name is Harry, i'm a good alpha." Harry speaks softly to me. He noses at my neck and I drop deeper. I can feel myself slowly slipping into omega space, but I don't want to, afraid something will happen that i don't want to while i'm there.

Omegas get extremely vulnerable while in omega space. It is extremely unsafe to drop without an alpha with you, due to them having to take control and take care of the omega while having dropped. Omegas are often taken advantage while in omega space, due to them being so vulnerable in the state of mind.

Omegas can either sleep through omega space, or drop a couple years in age, usually around the age of 2 or 3. This is why they need an alpha around, to help them around and keep them safe, although it's not always the case.

"G-good alpha. No h-hurt. S-safe." I can feel myself dropping completely and i am taken in to a darkness, which is good, at least i didn't drop years in age, and will probably just sleep through it.

I let the darkness enclose in on me, and the warm, fuzzy feeling take me away. I can only hope that the alpha will keep his promise, and keep me safe.


Hi everyone! Hope this chapter was good and that you enjoyed it!

I have a one shot book for Larry, that I would really appreciate if you went and checked it out!

Please comment and vote, if gives me motivation to write more!

Thank you for reading!


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