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Louis' pov:

It a another cold winter day in January for me. Running around the forest in my wolf form, trying to find some sort of shelter without crossing territory lines, not wanting to get into trouble with any pack alphas.

I've been a runaway for about a year now, and i'm not sure any runaway has made it this long before. I haven't had a cooked meal in so long and a warm bed to sleep in is a distant memory.

I wouldn't say I miss my old pack because they did nothing but treat me horribly, but my omega yearns for an alpha or just a pack in general. Some nights I wish to be found, but others I wish to prove everyone wrong and make it on my own.

You see, i'm not your average obedient omega, who will bow down to anybody because they think omegas are objects. I've learnt to fight for myself and have been doing a good job at it. But I can't ignore my omega and the need it has for an alpha.

I settle next to a tree, in my wolf form, and decide i'll spend the night here. I haven't eaten in about two days and my stomach needs food soon or I know I definitely won't make it.

I decide I'll go hunting tomorrow for food, but for right now I just want to rest, exhaustion taking over my body from today's traveling.

Sleep takes over me, as I dream of a perfect life, with an alpha by my side, me carrying his pups and us living happily ever after.


Harry's pov:


My second in command, Zayn, questions as he walks into my office.

"Yes?" I answer, my head not moving from the plans in front of me on the desk.

"We've found a wolf on the territory, in the forest. Would you like to handle it or should I send the men to capture him and bring him back?" Zayn asks.

"I'll handle it. Give me an hour and i'll set off." I say dismissively, that being a que for Zayn to leave. These plans were given to me from the battle captain about the next attack that we have on the Austin Clan. I have been reviewing them for days, making sure to be prepared for anything thrown at us.

About an hour later, I put the plans away and make my way out of the pack gates and into the forest territory. I search around for about 20 minutes until I find a pure white wolf, sleeping, blending in with the snow.

I sniff the crisp winter air and can instantly tell that the unknown wolf is an omega. The wolf is absolutely breathtaking, so small and delicate form the looks of it. Pure white which is even more shocking, never seeing a pure white wolf before.

I walk slowly up to the wolf and clear my throat loudly, hoping to wake the omega up. Luckily it works when I see the wolf jolt awake, wide blue eyes staring at me in terror.

"Omega. Why are you trespassing on my territory?" I ask sternly.

The omega whines and changes into human form, in all his naked glory. It takes everything in me to keep my eyes on his face but I manage. I am definitely not the type of alpha to take advantage of an innocent omega.

"I-I'm sorry. I r-really didn't m-mean to t-tresp-pass on your t-territory." The omega says shakily, shivering from the coldness. I should've brought clothes but it completely slipped my mind.

"I understand. How about I take you back to my pack land, lend you some clothes, a shower, and some food?" I ask, feeling sorry for the tiny, blue eyed omega. He looks well underweight and in the need of a warm shower and some clothes.

"T-thank you." The still unknown omega nods his head at me. We stare at each other for a about 10 seconds before I reach my hand out to help him up. He takes my offered hand and slowly rises.

I shrug off my fur coat, and hand it to the omega, knowing he'll need it more than I do right now. He takes it with a small smile, wrapping it over his shoulders and covering himself up.

"My pack isn't too far from here, maybe a five minute walk." I state.

"Okay. Thank you again." The omega says.

"No need to thank me." I say dismissively.

We continue the walk all the way back to the pack gates and enter. I can feel the weird glances thrown at me, and i'm sure the omega notices them too.

I walk him back to the pack house, and through the front doors. I decide to bring him to the pack doctor, to get him checked over, being he looks several underweight and is still shivering badly.

We make it to the doctors office that is right inside the pack house, and I lead him inside and tell him to sit on the table. He does as I tell him a bit hesitantly but ends up hopping onto the table, struggling a little.

"Do you have clothes to change into, or do you need a lended pair?" I ask the small omega, just realizing that he is still only in my jacket.

"I-I have c-clothes." He hops down from the table, keeping the jacket tightly wrapped around him, moving over to his backpack, that I just now noticed, and takes out a pair of ragged clothes.

It pains me a bit, to see that's all he has, but I quickly will away the concern and turn around to give him some privacy to change. I then turn back around when I hear him hopping back onto the table, settling for sitting in one of the chairs off to the side.

A few minutes later, Liam comes walking in, the pack doctor. He has a clipboard in hand and is wearing a white doctor coat over a button down shirt with black dress pants.

"So what do we have here?" Liam questions.

"Could I talk to you outside?" I ask, not wanting to tell Liam what I think in front of the omega.


We both walk outside, leaving the small omega inside on the table. I close the door behind us before I begin speaking.

"I found the omega in the woods, on our territory about 20 minutes ago. Zayn had informed me they saw a white wolf laying in the snow so I decided to go check it out in my own. He looks severely underweight and i'm sure he is cold from not having protective clothing at all."

"I see, so you want me to check him over for starvation and hypothermia?" Liam asks, looking at me intently, almost like he's trying to read me or something.

"Yeah, and just overall as well. I'm not sure how long he has been on his own, just make sure he's okay, please?" I say a bit pleadingly, not too sure what's gotten into me. I never beg, and now i'm begging for Liam to check over an omega I just found in the woods 20 minutes ago.

"Okay." Liam says and walks back into the room. I wait outside the room, thinking it would be best, not wanting to make the omega uncomfortable.

All I can do is pray that the small omega is okay. I'm not completely sure why i'm feeling this way, almost protective, over the blue-eyed boy, but I am. Something in me is telling me to protect the omega with everything in me and to make sure he's okay, and I just can't figure out why.


Hi everyone!

I hope this chapter was good! Thank you for reading! Pleas comment and vote, it gives me motivation to write more.


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