Firestars Ending

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'Follow your heart, it doesn't make mistakes.'

Follow my heart!? My heart doesn't know what it want's though! Suddenly I felt something tug at my heart towards Firestar, then I knew that Firestar was always the one I loved, not Tigerstar.

"I'm sorry Tigerstar, but I-I love Firestar." I said looking at Firestar, he smiled and happiness flowed over his bright grass green eyes, I smiled back at him.

Then all if a sudden I felt a huge shock of pain on my side, then those yellow eyes were right infront of me, fire of hatred blazing in them. The scared muzzled tom racked his claws in my throat, took them out and stabbed me in my chest and slid his claws down words. But before he could get to my belly I saw a orange blur attack the tabby tom, sending him off of me.

I layed there, in a pool of my own blood. It was coming out like a waterfall, deep wounds were cut into me. I was breathless, I wanted to sleep it was calling me. My eyes slowly fell down as I layed there limp. I saw terrified green eyes looking at me as I saw Firestar trying to run to me, but one of his legs worn't good, he was limping to me as fast as he can.

Then I finally closed my eyes as sleep took over me, I thought I was going to die so I said quietly

"Goodbye Firestar, see you in starclan."

---Time Skip---

My eyes snapped open to see grass, wait, I'm not dead?

I looked at my side to see Firestar laying by me with his eyes closed. I smiled at the thought that I'm still with him. I tried moving but that only made me hiss in pain, I calmed down a little.

"Firestar?" I asked as I raped my tail around his.

"[Y/w/n]?" He mumbled opening his eyes a little bit and looking to the side. He smiled as he saw me, pain and happiness crossed over his green orbs, the same happened with my [color] ones. He tried getting up, it took sometime as he was struggling.

Once he got up he helped me up, it took longer seeing as there was a long scratch make on my chest and claw marks on my throat. They still hurt really badly when I breath, though Firestar was worse. He had scratch marking all over his body, a long deep cut in his leg, and a longish cut by his eyes.

Once we were both up I nuzzled my head under him.

"I'm so glad I didn't lose you." Firestar meowed.

"I'm so glad I didn't lose you, I would never know what I'd do without you." I meowed back. Firestar laughed and we both headed back to the camp, were everything was peaceful again. Me and sandstorm got along now since she now knew how precious I am to Firestar.

End! So Pease please please tell me how this was, I would love to know! Even if you didn't like it please tell me. I want to see everyone's opinions! :D Next is Tigerstars Ending, beware that it will be longer then Firestars Ending.

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