Scourge x Reader

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This was requested by angel-the-cat and Snowheart_ofmoonclan, sorry if I gory our names wrong. Also I am so so so sorry for taking a loooooooooong time with doing this, I have other websites I need to check and I'm getting a lot of comments on my other books. [K/p/n]--Kitty pet name, [r/n]--Rouge name

Also if anyone comments about Scourge's collar then I will report their comment or disable comments if I can do that. His collar is different in every version, so DONT comment about his collar color.



"[K/p/n]! How's it going? I haven't seen you in a long time!" I smiled as he said that, he was so nice. Even when his brother and sister bully him he's still nice!

"I'm doing great! What about you?" I asked running up to him. My owner's came to his house, his and my owner's are very good friends.

"Better then I'll ever be! But I still missed you!" He jumped when I tackled him to the ground and licked his check. He started to blush a little bit was cute.

"[K/p/n], please promise me that you'll never leave me." He said a little sadly as if I wouldn't promise. I was shocked

"Tiny.....I can't promise that." He looked sad as tears formed in his icy blue orbs. "Unless you promise first!" I jumped off of him once I said that, he looked super happy.

"Don't worry [K/p/n]! I promise that to the core of my heart!"

"I promise to the core of MY heart too!" I laughed when he was trying to puff out his chest like a hero or something along that.


"Tiny......We promised, but you broke it." I sighed as my friend, Dust, padded over to his bowl to eat his food.

"Sooo...Who's this 'Tiny' that your talking about?" Dust asked as he stopped eating his food. I didn't want to tell that lazy and fat Siamese cat, so I just left into the backyard to look out into the woods on top of the fence.

"Tiny, I miss you....We...We promised we won't leave eachother, but you broke that promise." I whispered as tears fell from my [color] eyes, I couldn't handle it. I-I loved him to much, and he just ran off. "Tiny, I'm gonna come to look for you..Don't worry" I whispered as I went back into my owner's house, only to get picked up and put into a cage.

I tried my hardest to get get by clawing and flinging around, but the hand on my scruff only tightened and I was forced into the cage. I fearfully faced my owner, it broke my heart to see the one who cared for me, put me in this cage. She was a child when I was bought at a very young age, she was now a teenager with very dark brown hair with died orange stripes in her hair.

"Stupid cat, you clawed me!" She yelled as she tried to hit me, but I fought back and bit her hand. "YOUR THE WORST CAT EVER!" She screamed at the top of her lungs as she stormed out of the house and threw my cage into the back of the car powerfully.

'Where....Where am I going?!' I thought tried to get out of the cage, but guess what. She forgot to lock it so I easily slipped out of it. "Stupid human." I muttered coldly it was about 26 minutes until the car stopped and she opened the trunk. I jumped on her face and started to show her my hate by clawing and bitting her face to make it look as ugly as possible.

Once she tried to grab me I jumped off and ran into the cold dark night on the streets, I stopped and looked back only to see her looking into a little mirror and crying. I guess she didn't like her makeover I gave her, well that's her problem. I then walked into a little ally way and started to search threw a trash can. My [color] collar iched as it rubbed on my fur, digging into my skin.

"Is there anything good in here?.............Nope, nothing editable." I sighed. Jumping out of the trash can I saw a tip of a white tail turn a corner. "What's that?" I asked myself as I padded after it, I then ran and turned another corner only to met with a furry black and white chest and fall down. I then got up and ran the other way, but the cat held my tail in his jaws. It hurt so much that I gave up, a claw then collided with my head and pushed down since I was laying on my stomach, the cat then pulled on my back leg. I wailed in pain and kicked my back legs with my claws unseathled.

"LET ME GO MOUSE-BRAIN!" At those words the cat stopped and said

"So your a Clan cat, huh?"

"Clan cat? What's that?" I asked as he let me go and I started to lick my tail trying to keep the pain down.

"So you arn't from the Clans, stay here. Or else I will kill you." The huge black and white cat said as he started running around another corner. 11 minutes later he came back with a black cat with one white paw, purple collar and dog teeth on it.

"T-Tiny?" Those words escaped my mouth, I couldn't help myself but to say that. He looked like Tiny. Once I said that he glared, but his eyes went wide.

"[K/p/n]? Is that really you?" The tom said.

'So that is Tiny...If he lets me come with him then my life will be completed.' I thought. "Yes, it is me. Tiny I....I miss you. Why did you leave me?" I asked trying to get up, but my back let stung like lava was pouring on it, I then jerked back as he tried to touch my ear with his nose.

"Wait, Scourge you know this cat?" The black and white tom asked.

"Bone, yes I do. Why did you attack her?" Tiny asked as venom dripped from his voice.

"I thought she was a Clan cat!" The tom, or Bone, said trying to protect himself. It was clear Bone was scared of Tiny.

"Bone, go back to the territory right now before I claw off your ears." Tiny growled and fire blazed in his icy blue eyes. Bone then ran off with his ears back and tail tucked by his side.

"Tiny.....Why? Why did you break my promise?" I asked as tears fell from my [color] orbs.

[K/p/n], I didn't mean to. I swear. I went into the forest to explore then a cat came out of no where and attacked me, that's when I ran away. To get away from them." He said as he nuzzeled me. "And call me Scourge from now on, [r/n]." He said.

"[R/n]?" I asked confused

"Yes, you are a rouge now. Now do you think you can walk?" He asked. I tried to walk, I mean limp. I then limped with him as he helped me.

"Scourge, I know this is sudden....Bu-But I love you." I said as I looked at him.

"I love you to, [r/n]. I always have." I nuzzeled him as he said that.


"Scourge, come meet your children." I said sweetly. He came closer and looked at them.

"Their adorable." He said

"What should we name them?" I asked looking into his eyes

"You pick for the girl, and I'll pick for the boys." He said

"Alright, for the girl, Raven. Because she looks like you." I said, waiting for him to name the boys.

"For the boys, [name] for the black and [color] one, and then for the other boy, Portal because he is black and also the smallest."

"Just like you when you were a kitten." I laughed and he only blushed. Finally, I had a family who loved me, and I loved them more then the moon and back.

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