Chapter 3

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Hi before this chapter starts I just wanna say thank youu I know I say it a lot but this book has really helped me so much. And I love reading your comments it honestly makes my day. Follow me on insta @ ruectrl ! (if you want ofc)

Also if you could please vote it would mean the world to me. Now let's continue

Luke's Pov

"Luke I didn't invite you to watch the Notebook I need to ask you something".

"Zander you're scaring me what is it?"

"Will you be my boyfriend?"

My mind started racing. Did he really say that. But why? Does he really like me back? Is this another dream? LUKE WAKE UP. I pinch myself. Nothing. So this is real? Wait that means-

"Look I've been thinking, I need to get back at Jake. I need your help. I wanna make him regret ever cheating on me. And that's where you come in. I need you to be my fake boyfriend. To teach him a lesson. So you in?".

So this is was just a plan? Well I mean I'll be helping Zander and getting back at Jake for hurting Zander. So this is a win win.

"I'm in".

"Great! Now we have to come up with a plan".

After that day we spent weeks together never leaving each-other's side. The more and more time we spent together the more I fell for him if that was even possible, but enough of that. The first part of the plan was waiting. I mean it would be suspicious if Zander and I "got together" the day he got cheated on.

So we waited sending more and more clues that we were "dating". Such as waiting for each other at one another's lockers. Light flirting. And holding hands on our way home. Not gonna lie it felt nice to hold his hand, and light flirt but at the end of the day it's just pretend.

But what about the band you may ask. Well after Zander got cheated on. The band went our separate ways. I mean we still talk to Milly and Sean but not as often as we used to. It was like one day we were all practicing for the competition in February to then not speaking a word to each other. 

Just like that a month had passed. Now for step two of the plan. Zander and I call this step of the plan 'it was the cat'. And why did we call it that? Well let's just say the thing we're doing isn't legal and well it's gonna leave a mark.

But before we could follow through we needed to talk to some friends of ours who were gonna hopefully help us with this VERY illegal plan.

"Luke? Earth to Luke?"


"You gotta stop dozing off. If we're gonna do this we're gonna do it right" Milly says.

"Yeah yeah sorry-"

"Now we gotta wear these" Milly says as she took out black clothing out of a old gym bag.

"Black really isn't my color I usually like purple it makes me stand out and compliments my eyes." Zander says.

"YOURE NOT SUPPOSED TO STAND OUT" she sighs as she continues. "You know what, just everyone put on the clothes and meet back here in 10 minutes." Milly says as Sean and I nodded our heads.

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