A Story Ends, Another One Begins

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His gaze danced across the stadium, the one that he had won his life back in until they rested on the elite suite. There, in the box, were all his friends, screaming their hearts out for him. In the back, was his honey blonde-haired, blue-eyed angel looking at him, with a smile adorning her face. He felt a wave of relaxation spread across his body, as their eyes met.

He turned back, as the roars of the crowds introduced the reigning Kalos Champion, Diantha. She rose, from her platform, with a smile, stretching across her face. She expanded a Pokéball in her hand.

"Well Ash," Diantha began. "you've defeated my Elite Four, but this battle is going to be on a completely different level! I hope you're ready!"

Ash smiled back, with a Pokéball in his hand. "I've been dreaming about this day for my whole life." He looked to Pikachu and Lucario; each had a smile on their faces. "You two ready?"

"Pikachu pi!" Pikachu yelled.

"Let's do it!" Lucario answered.

Ash took one last look at Serena and smiled, as he saw her beaming appearance. He was now ready. He turned back and grasped his Pokéball firmly.

"Charizard! I choose you!"

Out of the Pokeball, came Ash's loyal fire-type Pokemon, who lets out a mighty roar that shook the whole stadium. The crowd cheer upon the arrival of Charizard, who was anxious to start battling.

The Kalos Champion wasn't imitated by the sight of Ash's Charizard. All she did was smile as she unclicks one of her Pokeballs.

"I see you're starting strong, Ash," said Diantha. "How come?"

"The stronger the opponent, the stronger we should battle." said a confident Ash. "After all, I am battling against the Kalos Champion. Am I wrong?"

"Nope," responded Diantha. "You're not wrong. However, let's just see how strong that confidence is when you two go up against my Tyrantrum!

The champion threw her Pokeball up into the air. The light came out of the Pokeball. When it faded away, it revealed a bipedal, dinosaurian Pokémon that resembles a large theropod. It is predominantly brownish red with scaly patterns on its skin and scattered orange highlights on some scales and ridges. Its head is proportionately large with a blunt, ridged snout and powerful jaws. It has black around its eyes and a light gray lower jaw covered by a beard of white, primitive feathers. Several sharp teeth are visible in the lower jaw, while the upper jaw is lined with orange-tipped, tooth-like projections. Over its eyes is a row of five spikes resembling a crown. Around Tyrantrum's neck is a feathery white ruff that extends over its shoulders similar to a cape. Its underbelly is gray with white borders and there are two orange spikes near the tip of its long tail. Its small forelimbs have only two black-clawed digits each, but it has powerful hind legs with three black claws each. Plated, armor-like ridges cover its knees, back, and the top of its tail.

The Despot Pokemon roared mightly as the crowd begins to cheer even louder. They know the most anticipated battle was about to begin.

"Are you finally ready for this, Ash?" asked Diantha, even though she already knew his answer.

"I have been waiting to battle you, ever since I won the Kalos League, many years ago!" Ash answered back.

With that, the referee announces the battle will begin now. Ash makes his first move.

"Charizard, use Dragon Pulse!" commanded Ash.

From his mouth, Charizard fires a multicolored dragon-shaped beam of energy towards the Despot Pokémon, who does not seem to be attempting to dodge the incoming Dragon type attack.

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