Their Introduction

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Nathan eagerly pulled up his driveway and into the garage with Mia still bound in the trunk. All she could do on the drive back was pray incessantly, hoping she would be able to escape whatever situation she was in. Nathan parked, closed the garage door behind him, got out, and walked into his house quickly. He wanted to go in first before bringing Mia in so that the other girls could be aware of her arrival.

He then unlocked the first set of doors at the top of the stairs, descended, and repeated the process with the second door at the bottom. He went first to let Kayla out. "Please put your hands through the service hatch, Kayla." As Nathan zip-tied Kayla's wrists together, she complied. When he dared to let any of the girls out in the common area, he made sure to first bind them at the wrist. Kayla hung her head and took a step back as she waited for Nathan to open the door.

Before letting her out, he walked over to Katherine and asked her to do the same as Kayla. "Fuck you!" Katherine responded to Nathan as she usually did, infuriating him once more. He grabbed his keys, unlocked her door, and stormed into the room. Nathan then grabbed Katherine by the throat and pushed her up against the wall.

"Will we continue to have a problem? I'm not sure why you keep defying me! You must enjoy the feeling of being restrained." Nathan reached into his pocket for a pair of zip ties, and Katherine sprayed him in the face with spit. Nathan cocked his arm back and thrust a clenched fist into Katherine's abdomen, enraged. She collapsed to the floor, gasping for air as the wind was knocked out of her.

Nathan lifted Katherine off the floor, grabbing the back of her hair and hurling her to the bed near where they stood. He straddled Katherine's legs and drew her arms behind her back, zip-tying her wrists before pulling her off the bed and to a standing position. He led her out to the shared living room area, seated her in a wingback chair, and zip-tied her ankles to the legs of the chair she was sitting in.

Nathan then moved to Kayla's room and unlocked her door, wiping his face with his sleeve. She knew better than to irritate Nathan, so she remained stiff as he entered her room. He took her by the wrist and led her to another wingback chair that was waiting for her. He repeated the process with Kayla's ankles, each zip-tied to the chair's leg. Kayla sat motionless, staring at Nathan, while Katherine sat with her head down, seemingly defeated by the blow to her stomach. He sat in a standard dining room chair, whirling it around and straddling it as he sat.

"I wanted to bring you two here so you could meet Mia. She's new to my collection, and I'll be bringing her down soon, so please welcome her into our little family." He explained his intentions as both girls stared at him in horror. Katherine's expression was more disgusted.

"What the hell is the matter with you? You are a psycho! What are you doing to us?" Nathan was yelled at by Katherine. Kayla sat, perplexed as to why she refused to comply and remain silent. She cried as she did most days because she was afraid of how Nathan would react to Katherine.

Nathan approached Katherine and backhanded her across the face. "You don't seem to understand what I'm capable of. Why do you force me to subject you to these humiliations?" Katherine hung her head and refused to look up at Nathan, who stood sternly in front of her, arms crossed.

"Now, if I may proceed. I'm going to go get Mia and come back to you right away. You, ladies, don't move an inch." Nathan chuckled, turned, and walked to the front door. He opened the bottom door, shut it behind him, and ascended to the top entry, doing the same.

As he approached his car, he could hear Mia whimpering in the trunk. When he opened it, he saw her frail appearance, still riddled with fear. As she sobbed, he leaned forward and brushed her hair away from her face. "There, there, Mia, no need to cry, we're home now."

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