Chapter 24

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Luhan felt as if he was tortured through the whole English class – he couldn’t stay still in his seat as he was impatiently waiting to get out of this hellroom and the needles of the clock hung on the ugly green wall seemed to move so painfully slow, as if mocking Luhan’s misery. It wasn’t his fault, really, he had a not-quite-a-date-but-Luhan-calls-it-a-date-anyway after school with Sehun and he was feeling all warm inside at the thought. The thought of the delicious bubble tea they will be drinking of course, not like Luhan would get all warm and excited and heart beating fast for Sehun pffft! (Hell yeah he would!) So yeah, the needles announcing thirteen minutes left were sluggishly moving, making a minute seem like five – and five times thirteen minutes was excruciatingly long. Luhan couldn’t pay any attention to whatever the teacher was saying, which wasn’t a good thing since English was Luhan’s worst subject. But it’s not like he cared, he just wanted to get out of the room and go to the café with Sehun and drink bubble tea with Sehun and see the latter smile and laugh and then kiss Sehun and runaway with him and buy an apartment together and get married and adopt cute children who would look like their fathers even though they were adopted and live happily ever after with Sehun because they were made for each other. Yup, totally this afternoon’s plans. Okay, Luhan got a bit carried away here but still; he couldn’t wait for the tutoring session with Sehun. Which he feared would not result in them being married and living happily ever after when they got home after the date. Actually Luhan was pretty sure he wouldn’t even make it to the step where he kisses Sehun so the plan was foiled already.

Luhan looked up at the clock; only eleven minutes left! He could make it, he was sure he could. Ok who am I kidding, Luhan couldn’t make it. He raised his hand to ask the teacher if he could go to the toilet (and used his best English accent to do so), “Can I go to the washroom, please?”

The teacher raised an eyebrow at him expectantly, as if waiting for him to add something. Luhan had absolutely no idea what was wrong with his sentence and he just stared back at her without saying anything. Sehun, from the seat behind him, whispered, “May I…”

Luhan finally understood and rephrased his question, “I mean, may I go to the washroom, please?”

The teacher smiled, “Sure you can.” Luhan would have to thank Sehun later.

So he finally got up and made his way to the door, incapable of staying in this room longer and stare at the gray clock. The nine remaining minutes would pass by quicker if he didn’t have to sit still in a class full of people speaking an unintelligible language.

So he strolled down the hallways, observing the too familiar surroundings of the bluish gray walls and the dotted black and white floor, the occasional distributor machine, the tables and all the empty rooms. He liked to go out of classes for a little promenade in the school building when he was bored, so he was used to the sight of the seemingly empty building.

He met a girl he recognized from his History class in the locker room and she smiled flirtingly at him before boldly – that is, compared to the usual shy fangirls – asking him out. He politely turned her down and kept on walking until he noticed a broad shouldered and tough looking guy at the end of the hallway. He turned around and went for another hallway when he recognized the guy as Yongguk, his usual, most purposeful and most intimidating fanboy. The man was always after him and trying to touch him; Luhan would never admit it out loud but he was a bit scared of him.

Luhan got to his own locker at the same moment the bell rang and a wide smile spread on his lips. School was finally over for the day. He shove his things in his bag and closed his locker, then went to wait at Sehun’s locker. Students started filling the hallways with noises and excitement, and Luhan waited for someone in particular to appear.

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