☾0.3| Family Legacy

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"I love it here

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"I love it here." Salem gushed as she spoke loudly over the crowd of people, standing in the middle of the Weasleys shop the trio had taken her to. Salem's eyes danced with so much joy it was easy to confuse her as somehow who was having a sugar high despite the only thing she'd had was a few of the twins treats they'd basically stuffed down her throat the moment she arrived.

"I don't know what it is you're going on about, Harry, don't you remember us learn about her mother last year? Salem has no choice but to be a Slytherin." Ron said as he grumbled at the end, " A shame that is, I was just starting to like her."

"But she's scared of snakes, deathly afraid as she said." Harry spoke to his taller friend, staying close by as the three searched for her through the large crowd.

"Wasn't her father a Gryffindor? You do realize she could easily be on our side. Honestly, where is your common sense, Ronald?" Hermione asked with a scoff as they spotted the girl spinning in the slightest.

"Having fun?" Harry asked as Salem looked his way, her eyes wide, making them appear even eviler then they usually were.

"The best, Ron, I adore your family." Salem said as she linked their arms, looking up at the bright lights .

"So you've mentioned." Ron said with a eye roll as Hermione smacked his arm.

"Give the poor girl a break, she's new to all this." she scolded them as Harry lead the three out.

"Hi, Ron." a voice spoke, making Salem and Ron come to a halt to look back at a girl with spiral curls, giving the Weasley boy a sweet smile.

"Hi." he said back softly before the two were off again.

"She was so beautiful." Salem gushed as she smacked Ron's shoulder making him give her a crazy look.

"Bloody hell, what was that for?" he asked while unlinking their arms to rub the area.

"Are you as dumb as a box of rocks? She fancy's you." Salem spoke to him in a hush tone while the newly bonded duo caught up with Harry and Hermione not to far before them.

"She does not." Ron argued with her as Salem gave him a look of disbelief.

"What are the two of you going on about now?" Hermione asked, hearing to much of the back and forth between the two recently.

"Nothing, darling, simply pointless bickering." Salem waved her off as she hummed, giving Harry a grin as he held the door open for them.

"That might have been the most delightful atmosphere i've ever been in, truly, I'd rather be there then in my lovely dreams were I take a dive into a pool of biscuits." Salem spoke as she waved to the shop, Hermione not being able to hold back her laugh as Salem turned to her with raised eyebrows.

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