☾0.14| Goodbye, Draco

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Draco and Salem held hands in silents as they walked down the dimly lit hallway

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Draco and Salem held hands in silents as they walked down the dimly lit hallway. They'd stayed in the hospital wing for a bit, until night fall at that. The two agreed it would be okay to hold hands when the walked together. Salem was rather quiet, she didn't wanna say anything and risk ruining the moment and having him pull his hand from hers, she quite frankly liked holding Draco's hand.

Though she had no clue how a relationship worked and she knew they weren't to be in one, maybe something was forming. There were clearly feelings, that was crystal clear for the both of them. Salem never had a romantically involved partner in life, just simple crushes on the boys at the music store or the girls that served her tea across the street from the library. But that was it, nothing where they'd hold hands and lay together in a hospital bed.

Nothing she'd sob over when they nearly died in her arms.

"Would you like to meet here tomorrow morning?" Salem asked as they stopped where the dorms headed off, the least smartest thing was to bring Draco down the Gryffindor hallway just for him to walk her to her dorm, while Salem could probably make her way down the Slytherin, it wasn't something either of them wanted to risk with so many being in touch with Lucious at this point.

"We could." Draco spoke as he faced her, they'd only stood two of three inches apart. Salem wasn't ever big on height difference, she thought having a boy over a foot taller then his partner was rather creepy and gross, "What breakfast do you attend?"

"Usually the first one unless I was up late." Salem began as she tightened her grip on his hand, "We could skip it though."

"To where?" he went on to question her as Salem shrugged with a flushed face.

"I don't know, maybe the green house or room of requirement." she offered as he stared down at her in the slightly, using his free hand to grip her forearm, a bit to harsh at first but he loosened his grip once he realized.

"The quidditch field is sometimes clear in the morning, didn't you say you liked the morning air?" he asked as Salem smiled, flattered he'd remembered her saying so closer to the begging of the year.

"You remembered." she pointed out the obvious, her hands sweating in his hold slightly before her eyes lit up when a very small and faint grin formed on his lips.

"I do listen, despite what you say." he spoke to her with a raise of his darker eyebrows, Salem's teeth that were relatively straight aside from one that over lapped the other slightly in the far left, was on full display as she looked up at him.

The two stood in silents for a second, they were saying goodbye, it was relatively normal if they were to lean in and share a short goodbye kiss after the small confessed feelings that were made clear on both sides. But it was different, neither of them knew what to do and weren't nearly comfortable enough with each other to start experimenting already.

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