~Chapter 1~

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Hello! Quick author's note, I just want to say there's a character with high functioning autism in here. And while I've done my best to research the autism spectrum, I wish to apologize if I misrepresent anything. Please enjoy my story!

I descended the stairs of my house in the early hours of the morning. I was already in my police uniform and ready to go. I entered the kitchen and got to work on some pancakes. Afterwards, I sat at the table and began eating.

When the plate was empty, I just stared at the vase in the middle of the mahogany table. The flowers in it were long since dead; most of the petals had fallen off, but the one or two left would probably crumble to dust if they were touched.

All the water that used to be in the vase had evaporated years ago, and I hadn't bothered to refill it. Why would I? They were already dead. 

The flowers had been given to me by my late wife. They had to be at least 18 years old by now. Had it been that long since I saw her?

I continued to stare at the stems as the memories flowed through my mind.

Adrienne turned to me, "I'm going to the doctor's appointment,"

"Are you sure you don't want me to come?"  I asked. She was going to a doctor for another ultrasound. She was three months pregnant with our baby.
"Yes," she gave me one of her sweetest smiles, "I'm sorry, but the doctor said I should come alone for this one,"
Alright," I pecked her on the lips. She walked out the door and gave me a little wave on the way.

I could feel tears threatening to sting my eyes as I recalled the memory of her. I couldn't stop myself from remembering when I found out she was dead.

I got home from the precinct and saw Adrienne wasn't there. I assumed she was working late and crossed the room to our home phone. I pressed the voice mail button.

"You have one message." the robot's voice came from the speakers. I hit the voicemail button again, and it began to play the message.

"Hello, I am calling from St Thomas' Hospital. A woman named Adrienne Waters was in a car crash and was hospitalized. We found her identification and her emergency contact was this number under the name Joe Waters, her husband. We are located at Westminster Bridge Rd, Bishop's, London SE1 7EH."

A beep followed the message. It rung in my ears like a melody of doom. After the shock had set in, the adrenaline did. I sprinted out to my car and slammed the door, fumbling with my keys as I struggled to get them into the ignition.

I forced the images of it out of my mind, not wanting to think about it. I could start to feel an old rage building up in me. It was a drunk driver's fault she was dead after all. 

I drove to work, do breathing exercises at stoplights. I had to stay calm like I always do. I arrived at the precinct and went inside. The automatic lights that usually flickered on when I entered were already on. It confused me for a moment.

Richard, the janitor, walked out from behind the cubicles. I guess he beat me to the precinct today.

"Hello, Richard!" I exclaimed, walking over to him. He glanced at me, and his signature scowl slid onto his face.

"Hi." He said flatly.
"I see you came in early today,"
"Is that a problem?"
"Oh, not at all! A nice change of pace actually, you always seem to come in late,"

Richard rolled his eyes and dragged the custodian cart away. I went into my office. It wasn't long until I heard voices outside in the central area. The officers and detectives had clearly started to come in. It'd be quiet again one they got on cases and went on patrol.

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