~Chapter 2~

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"She's hurting me every day,"
"No, she's not, I know you hate her, but you can't lie to me like this,"
"She is! She's beating me u-up..." Cracker said. His eyes had started to glisten with tears.

I sighed.

"She r-reminds me of Chris," He cried, "a-and how he u-used to beat me,"

When I heard his name, I physically revolted. It'd been a bit since I thought of the bastard. Although I remember him whenever I see Cracker's new boyfriend as well. Chris. The scum of the earth. He's dead now, at least.

"Dad, this is my boyfriend, Chris," 

I glanced over the man in front of me. He had blonde hair and a ridiculous haircut. I got weird vibes from him and his seemingly cocky stance and smug smile.

"Enchanté..." I said with caution.

Confusion crossed his face for a split second, "...Oh yeah, you guys are french,"
Cracker chuckled.

I gently grabbed Cracker's arm and pulled him into the kitchen, "I don't like him,"
"What? You've barely said a word to him," 
"I don't like the signals he's giving off,"
"Just talk to him a bit more, please?"

We went back into the living room. Chris had sat on the couch, and Cracker sat down next to him. Chris wrapped his arm around him. I began to ask him questions about himself. I could see him growing agitated, his nails digging into Cracker's arm. Cracker whimpered from it.

It filled me with anger.

I glanced at Cracker again as tears began to flow down his face. I immediately felt really guilty as it was clearly hurting him, but I hadn't seen Iris lay a hand on him. I had seen him hit her, but never her hit him.

"I'm sorry, Cracker, but no,"

It was horrible seeing him cry harder and run out of my office. Not to mention the betrayed look on his face. But I couldn't fire an employee without evidence. 

Sometimes I hated that Cracker worked as a detective here.

I sighed as I locked the glass doors of the precinct. The key turning held my full attention. There was a sudden weight on my back and arms wrapped around me. I flinched hard and immediately knew it was Cracker.

I gently pushed his arms off and turned around, "You scared me,"
He looked at the ground in shame, "Sorry,"
"What do you need?"
"Umm... Jacob..."

I narrowed my eyes, "What did the bastard do to you?"
"Dad! He didn't do anything! Christ!"
"Okay then what about him?"
"He... We had a fight and he left me here,"

"What?! For fucks sake!"
Cracker cringed, "It's not like it seems, I was angry so I said I was going to walk home,"

I stared at him for a moment. I really don't understand him sometimes. I just let out a sigh, grabbed his shoulder, and lead him to my car.

He seemed a little off-put by this, as it was something I used to do to him as a kid to stop him from running off in the grocery store.

"Cracker! Cracker, come back here!"

Cracker looked up from the display he was staring at intently, his ears drooping. I swear he tries to make me feel guilty on purpose, even though I know he doesn't. I made my way over to him and gently grabbed his arm.

I lead him back to the aisle I was trying to look at. 

I wished I could leave him with his brother and sister but I can't because of his separation anxiety.

"Would you like to sit in the cart?"
He made a face, "No, I'm 14, and sitting in the cart is for babies"

I smiled at him and ruffled his hair, "Alright, alright,"

I glanced at Cracker as he got into the backseat of my car. He just looked out the window. So I turned all my focus onto the familiar sound of the engine turning over and pulling out of the parking lot.

Halfway there I took a glimpse of him in the review mirror and then he spoke.

"Are you always going to hate Jacob?"
"...I don't hate him,"
"Dad, don't lie to me, I'm not a stupid little kid anymore,"
"You weren't stupid as a kid,"
"Don't change the subject,"

I glanced at him again and sighed, "I... We're almost there,"

The rest of the drive was silent and he got out as soon as I parked in the driveway. I began to head home myself. It was only 5 o'clock but the sky was already dark and some stars showed softly in the sky.

Seeing stars is bittersweet. Adrienne and I would go stargazing out in Lok Forest, London Forest's neighbor.

I made a point not to look up at the sky when I went inside my house that night.

Words: 793

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2020 ⏰

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