Namkook • "Special Gift"~

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What will be in the story:
•(Y/N) - your name
•(Y/S/C) - your skin color
•(Y/E/C) - your eye color
•Eating out a$$
•Bottom Namjoon and Jungkook
•Polyamory s3x
•Mature scenes
•Mature Language

"Happy birthday to you!"

Cheers went around the room from the Bangtan members, coworkers and stylist as they celebrated the birthdays of Jungkook and Namjoon. They were smiling widely while standing by the cake waiting for the time to blow out the candles.

"Blow then out already so we can have cake!" Tae said which made everyone laugh and Yoongi grumbled smacking him in the back of his head.

"Be quiet you brat." He said and crossed his arms about but chuckled. Tae huffed snd glared at him and he rubbed the back of his head.

"Whatever!" Tae said as he crossed his arms again with a pout while Jin laughed and rubbed his head. The two boys looked at each other then nodded and blew out the candles as everyone cheered and the lights came back on.

"What did you wish for?" Jimin asked with his head tilted.

"Hyung! You know we can't tell what we wished for!" Jungkook said with a smile and laugh.

"Oops! Hehe! I forgot!" Jimin said which made Jungkook smile and Rm chuckle.

But what did wish for was (Y/N). She wasn't here at the gathering even though they've told her almost a million times.

They were disappointed...

Heartbroken to be exact...

They would have thought she would have come because she's dating the two, but I guess they got their hopes up...

"We thought (Y/N) would come here..." Namjoon admitted as he hugged himself a little and looked down. Jungkook nodded agreeing with him as the rest of the band members turned their attention towards the two.

"Same Hyung..." Jungkook came and sat beside Rm and had his head in his hands also looking down. Yoongi sighed and come towards then being the responsible Hyung he is, kneeled down and looks at them.

"Don't worry guys. She's probably busy at work. We all know much she cares about her work-"

"Are you saying that her working is more important than her being with us? On our birthdays?!" Jungkook said angrily as everyone got shocked but quickly put his head back down.

"S-Sorry...W-We're just really disappointed day that (Y/N) didn't come..." Jungkook said then Yoongi stood up and rubbed his head.

"It's okay Jungkook. Maybe (Y/N) will make it up to you two." Namjoon and Jungkook looked up at their Hyung and sighed a little as their eyes closed again then stood up.

"If you say so Hyung..."

Both Namjoon and Jungkook got up, let everyone grab their pieces of cake and started to go home.

Jungkook stood in the room with Namjoon while he wrapped the last pieces of the cake in foil.

"Lets go Joonie. Lets hope Mommy is at home by the time we get home..." Jungkook said while Namjoon nodded.

They walked to the car, made sure to put their presents in the car carefully. Jungkook making sure that Namjoon's clumsy butt didn't touch anything, got inro the car and Jungkook drived themselves to the house.

But Namjoon's brain would not stop thinking about what Jk said.

What if Mommy didn't care about them that much and cared more about her work...?

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