Taehyung & Jungkook: Stallaway.

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What will be in the story:
•(Y/N) - your name
•(Y/S/C) - your skin color
•(Y/E/C) - your eye color
•Drunk Talk
•Polyamory S3x
•Mature scenes
•Mature Language

Taehyung's P.O.V.
      *╚═══❖•ೋ° °ೋ•❖═══╝*

  "Taehyung! Don't go to the market please..." said my best friend Jungkook. We're both outcasts in Seoul and it's pretty hard living in Seoul.

  In Seoul, there's a lot of greedy people. They don't really care for other people unless it's a family member. Other than that, not a lot of mercy...

  They do have jobs here in Seoul that have a few kind people which is good. The good thing is that they pay a lot. But it's hard getting into the jobs...

  "Kookie, I have too...We don't have much food left and if I don't go out to the market now, all of the food will be gone and we won't have any good so I have to go now." I explained to him as I was putting on my clothes to go out.

Kook looked at me with a sad face then sighed and nodded.

"Fine, but just be careful..."
He told me as I opened the door.

I smiled at him.

"Don't worry Look. I will."

With one final smile, I walked out the door.

╔════•| ✿ |•════╗
Timeskip a
few minutes
╚════•| ✿ |•════╝

  They have nothing good here today! What the heck?! How is there no good food today! There's not even any fruit! All of this food is junk even though it may be good junk but we have ! always tasted them about a hundred times so the taste gets old.

  I was still searching for food, but I stopped seeing a huge ship! It was almost the size of a castle!! My eyes sparkled seeing the huge ship.

  "Oh man! I gotta get Kook and show him!" I said to myself and ran back to our small house that we made and went to Jk.

  "Kook! Come see! I found a big ship and it looks amazing!" I exclaimed in excitement but Kook had wide eyes as almost he's in fear.

  "Tae..." He said, "don't you know how bad big ships are?!" He told me with worry in his eyes.

  I raised an eyebrow seeing his strange reaction. What's so bad about big ships? They're just like ships that regular people make.

  "What's so bad about them, huh?" I asked curiosity. He sighed and rubbed his arms as he looked down then looked back up at me.

  "Pirates Tae...
Those can be pirates..."

What? Pirates don't exist!

  "Pirates don't exist, Kookie. Don't be such a scary cat. Now come on!" I said as I grabbed his hand and dragged
him towards the boat.

  Once we got to the boat, smiles happily seeing it while Jk had a face of horror and fear.

  "Let's go check it out and get some food!" I told him as I
quickly went into the ship carefully. Jk stayed behind.

  I explored the ship since the people in the ship weren't on. They had all sorts of food! Apples and peaches! And even some mangos! I grabbed my bag from my side and started to fill it up!

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