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Kelly's POV
I woke up it was Tuesday morning and I was waiting on Jaden to come over to pick me up and go look at the apartment I found and see if we wanted it or not. I put on a red crop top and jean shorts and some white flip flops and pulled my hair up in a messy bun and put on light makeup and headed downstairs.
"Hey bitch" tony said looking up from the table where jada and my mother sat as well
"Hey fuck face" I said hitting him on the head
"Language!" My mother snapped
"Sorry" I said laughing
"So Jaden is almost here and we are going to look at this apartment I found for us" I explained to my mother
"Wow you found that fast" she said drinking her coffee
"Yeah they had a few for rent" I said back
"I still can't believe you dating Jaden" my sister said which made all eyes go to her
"I can! Look at her she's hot" tony said backing me up
"As if. I'm the better looking sibling" she said being cocky
"Yeah you wish" he said laughing
"Then why did you fuck me?" She said looking back at him and his face went beat red
"oop" I said holding back my laugh
"YALL DID WHAT!?" My mother yelled
Then there was a knock at my door
"Yeah imma go answer that" I said dying of laughter
I walked to the front door and opened it to find Jaden
"Funny seeing you here" he said smiling
"Yeah just a little" I said with a giggle then he kissed me
"I missed you" he said holding me against him
"I missed you more" I said hugging him tight
"Gross" my sister said from behind us
"Hello to you to Jada" Jaden said being cocky
"What do you even see in her?" She asked him
"Ion know what most guys don't see in you" he said as he started walking back to his car
"Your boyfriends a dick" she said crossing her arms
"Well my sisters a bitch so makes since" I said closing the door
I got in the car and Jaden drove off to our new apartment hopefully.
"We have arrived" he said parking
"Yay!! I'm so excited" I said kissing his cheek
"Me too!!" He said then we both got out and went to apartment B on the first floor
It was so nice I was in love. Jaden loved it too.
"So you guys have your down payment?" Our landlord bill asked us
"Yeah here" I said handing him the money then he gave me a set of keys one for me and one for Jaden.
"Enjoy you guys" he said as he drove away
"I don't know where to start" Jaden said
"Well first we clean and shampoo carpets and everything else needs to be cleaned and walls need to be cleaned and painted white then we can move everything in" I said looking around the apartment
"That's so much ughhh"
"I don't care the house needs to be cleaned until it smells new!" I said walking to the door
"Okay okay. When do we start"
"Okay let's do it"
Jaden and I left and bought a whole bunch of cleaning stuff and other things like dish soap,toilet paper,candles, etc. and the paint of corse. We started Tuesday at around 3 pm and finished everything Thursday night. That was painting all walls white and moving in what we had which was a bed,couch,coffee table,tv and tv stand,kitchen table and etc.


"I'm so glad we are done" Jaden said plopping down on our couch
"Me too!" I said looking at him
"And it didn't even take that long!!" I said laughing
"Yeah only a few days of me doing everything!!" He joked
"LIAR!! I did more than you" I said laughing
"Okay okay" he said crawling over to me
He laid on top of me and started kissing my neck causing me to let out small moans here and there. We started roughly making out for a good 10 minutes then there was a knock at the door.
"Ughhh" Jaden said as he pulled away from me
"Haha" I said getting up and walking to the door and opening it to find Josh,Bryce,Blake,Noah and griffin. Josh was holding 4 pizzas,Bryce was holding white claws and twisted teas,Blake was holding a case of water,Noah had sleeping bags and griffin had ice cream and chips.
"Hey sweet thang" Josh said to Jaden as he came up behind me
"Hey boo" Jaden said grabbing the pizzas
"Wtf" I said looking at Jaden
"You can't expect Jaden not to get a place and not have a first night sleepover" Bryce said laughing
"Yeah yeah" I said as they all came inside
I walked into Jaden and I's room and changed into nike shorts and a tank top and laid in bed and turned on Netflix. About 30 minutes later Jaden came in.
"What are you doing?" He asked as he sat down
"Bout to go to bed" I said rolling over to look at him
"Why" he said pouting
"Jaden it's 11pm and I'm tired" I said groaning
"Come have some pizza and drinks" he said pulling me up
"Fine!" I said getting up
We got into the kitchen where all the boys were
"Hey chicken rooster" Bryce said looking at me
"Wtf is a chicken rooster?" I said looking at him
"I don't know" he said laughing
"Your so stupid I swear!" I said as I sat down at the table and put my head down
"Broooo quit being a party pooper" Noah said elbowing me
"I'm not in a party mood I just finished doing everything today so I'm tired and grumpy" I said taking a small bite of Jaden's pizza
"Get your own!!!" Jaden complained
"Not hungry like that" I said looking up at him
"Wtf you mean your not hungry chomps you just took a bite out of my pizza" he laughed
"Ok and"
"Attitude not wanted sis" Blake said as he snapped his fingers in sass
"Well that's what white claws are for. To help you wake tf up" Noah continued
"No I'm good" I said as I walked to the couch and sat down by griffin
"So how's life?" Griffin asked me
"Tired as fuck you?"
"Pretty chill i guess" he said as he took a drink of his water bottle
I leaned my head on the arm of the couch and fell asleep.
3 hours later
All I felt was cold ass water get dumped all over me!
"WHAT THE FUCK!" All the boys started laughing
"I'm sorry babe" Jaden said laughing
"Take your sorry and shove it up your ass" I said as I walked into our room then into our bathroom and slammed the door and locked it so I could take a warm shower.
"Babe open the door it was just a joke"
"Fuck you Jaden go have fun with your friends" I said washing my body
"I can't have fun now because your mad" Jaden said a little tipsy sounding
"Not my fault" I said rinsing off to get out
"I know I'm sorry" he said as I unlocked the door in my towel to grab some clothes
"Woah hey there" he said as he grabbed my hips
"Don't try it Jaden. I'm getting dressed and going to bed!" I said putting on underwear and a t shirt and laid down
"Okay goodnight"
"Night" I said still frustrated with him
I woke up the next morning and put on a pair of sweatpants so I could go to the kitchen.
Jaden was still in bed. Josh was on the floor. Noah was on the couch with Blake. Griffin was on the chair and Bryce was on the floor too. My house was a mess. White claws everywhere twisted teas spilt everywhere. Trash everywhere pizza left out ice cream melted on my counters what the fuck!! I walked back into my room and threw a pillow at Jaden.
"Ow wtf" he said in his morning voice
"MY HOUSE BETTER BE FUCKING SPOTLESS BY THE TIME I GET HOME!!" I yelled then I went into the half bathroom and brushed my teeth and through my hair up and put shoes on and walked out the door.
I got in my car and started driving I was planning on going to see a old friend of mine Tayler Holder.
I pulled into his driveway and walked up and seen him walking outside.
"Hey stranger" I said walking towards him
"KELLY" he yelled as he ran up to me and spun me around
"I've missed you bff" he said as he put me down
"I've missed you too" I said laughing
"So where's my gal pal??" I said looking for miss queen K and Nate.
"She's with her boyfriend and Nates shopping"
"Boring" I said looking at Tayler
"Aye you still got me doe" he said laughing
"Yeah yeah" I said laughing at him
I talked to Tayler for 2 hours explained to him everything and how my house was trashed and that he needs to come over soon and help me decorate. I've known Tayler since I was 5 and he was 11. We have always been best friends. Even when he was 18 and I was 12. He was the big brother I've always wanted besides Tony. It was already 3 pm and Jaden was texting me.
Jaden 😍
With a friend..why??
Jaden 😍
When will you be home?
Idk yet
Jaden 😍
okay well have fun ig..love you
Love you to
I was talking to Tayler about how my parents are a piece of shit because they favored Jada over me and how Tony slept with her and this and that.
"I always liked you better anyways" Tayler said with a laugh
"Yeah I've always liked you better than Tony" I said with a laugh as well
We talked a little more and it was 4 so I decided it was time to go home and take a shower and relax.
"Alrighty I'm getting tired so I think I'm gonna head out" I said getting up to but my shoes back on
"Okay well I'm glad you came over I really missed you lil sis" Tayler said as he gave me a hug
"I missed you more big bro!" I said releasing our hug
"Wanna come over this weekend and have a movie night like old times?" I asked opening the door
"I would love that" he said as he walked to the door
"Okay see you Saturday at 6 so we can have dinner and shit" I said walking down his apartment steps
"See you then" he yelled as he closed his door
I got home and sat in the car for a little bit. Jaden's car wasn't here so I figured he went out with his friends or shopping or whatever. That house better be clean because I'm gonna be so pissed if it's not. I headed over to our door and unlocked it and walked inside.
What the actual fuck?!! I'm so pissed. I ask him to do one thing!! And he can't do it. I'm cleaning this house and going to shower and going to bed. He can sleep on the couch tonight or I will.
I finished cleaning at 8 pm and Jaden still wasn't home. So I took a shower and now it was currently 8:34 and I got in bed and turned on the tv and I heard the door open and close and Jaden's voice on the phone.
'Yeah mom everything is good I miss you too. Okay goodnight'
His mom was so sweet she called me too.
"Kelly?" I heard Jaden say as he opened the fridge
I didn't answer and just rolled over and closed my eyes when the door opened.
"Hey baby" he said trying to grab me
"Don't fucking touch me" I said getting up and going to the kitchen to grab a water bottle
"What did I do?!" He asked as he warmed up pizza from yesterday
"What did you do?! MORE LIKE WHAT YOU DIDN'T DO!! I ASKED YOU TO DO ONE FUCKING THING TODAY AND THAT WAS CLEAN OUR HOUSE BECAUSE YOU AND YOUR FRIENDS WANTED TO TRASH THE FUCK OUT OF IT!! But you couldn't do that huh?! You'd rather go hang out with your friends and not give a fuck about if our house is clean or not!! I worked my ass off yesterday getting this house fucking perfect and you and your friends go ahead and trash it and don't even bother to clean your mess! Who cleaned it Jaden?!!! WHO?!" He stayed silent
"ME THATS WHO!! ME!! AND I DIDN'T EVEN DIRTY MY HOUSE!! I'm sleeping on the couch you can have the bed I don't wanna be near you right now!" I said as I sat down on the couch
"Kelly I'm sorry" he said as he threw the pizza away
"Okay" I said putting my head down to fall asleep
Jaden's POV
I feel so bad I didn't clean but the boys and I had plans today and I didn't have time. And she's really fucking mad. I don't know how to fix that! She was sleeping and I picked her up and carried her to our room and laid her down and covered her up and I slept on the couch. I deserved it.
Back to Kelly's POV
I woke up in bed which was weird because I fell asleep on the couch. I walked in the living room to find Jaden curled up like a baby with no blanket because we only had one. I felt bad..I don't know why he's the one that didn't clean up. Well this whole adulting thing is new so I don't blame him. I went back in our room and grabbed our blanket and laid on his chest and covered us both up and I fell back asleep.
I woke up to Jaden giving me small kisses on the top of my head and rubbing my back. I put my arms up to wrap them around his neck and just laid there hugging him.
"I'm sorry" he said looking down at me with a frown
"It's okay..just next time I ask you do clean up YOUR mess do it" I said with a laugh
"I will" he said smiling
"do you wanna go to this party that josh is having tonight?" Jaden asked me
"I can't I have plans with my friend" I said remembering about me and Taylers movie night like old times.
"Oh uh ok" he said as I got up and took the blanket back to our room
"You can still go" I said to Jaden as I closed our bedroom door making my way to the kitchen to make breakfast
"You sure?" He said getting up wearing his grey sweatpants and no shirt
"Oh good god" I mumbled looking at his body just admiring him
"What was that" he said putting his hands in his pockets and leaning over a little
"Nothing" I said grabbing the cereal box and two bowls and milk
"Mhmm" he said walking over to the table
"What plans do you have with you friend?" He asked as he took a bite of cereal
"A movie night here" I said as I ate my cereal
"Movie night? Here?" He asked eating more
"Yeah. Which means I need to go buy snacks and drinks" I said looking at my food
"Okay well you go do that and I'll clean up here" he said as he grabbed our bowls
"Okay love you" I said kissing his cheek
"Love you more" he said rinsing and washing them
I got dressed into a black nike hoodie and red leggings and my forces and just straightened my hair and put on mascara and headed out

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