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Everyone in the world has some sort of soulmate. But not everyone has a romantic soulmate.

When you meet your platonic soulmates, you have some sort of tattoo that shows something you have in common. You have a sign in a specific spot, that no one but you and your soulmate have. You could also have a string of fate, but the string would be purple for friendship, and blue for sibling ship.

For romantic soulmates, there are many different things that could happen. You could have so that when they write on your skin, it appears on theirs, a string of fate, get the same injuries they get, inherit the skills they have, hear their thoughts, see them in your dreams, and random body switches.

The only people that have gotten all of the different types of romantic soulmate bonds, were the miraculous holders and their soulmates. If you knew all about the miraculous, you knew the person that had all the romantic soulmate bonds was either a miraculous holder or they were the soulmate of one.

Damian Al Ghul Wayne and Marinette Dupain-Cheng figured this out in their earlier years of life, Marinette not knowing about the miraculous stuff.

Since Marinette was really clumsy, her random bruises would appear on Damian's body. They were easy to hide, but they became frequent.

Mari had it the hard way. Whenever Damian got beaten, Mari could always feel it. She would always cry in pain whenever it happened, and her parents could do nothing about it. They could only pray that her soulmate was okay.

When they both turned 5, they could see the string of fate that led them to their soulmates. Mari had multiple ones, multiple blue ones, 1 silver one, 1 red one, and 5 purple ones. Damian had 1 red one, multiple purple one, and multiple blue ones.

When they both got them, they were confused as to what it was. Damian figured out it was for soulmates without asking. He didn't want anyone to know he had a soulmate. If they knew, they would force him to find them and kill them. Damian just couldn't do that. Marinette asked her parents, and they explained to her what type of soulmate bond it was.

Later in that year, Mari met 2 of her blue soulmate faits, Nino and Kim. They met in kindergarten, and hit it off. She also met Chloe, her silver soulmate bond. Chloe was mean to everyone, especially her. She never understood why she still had a soulmate bond to her. Neither did Nino and Kim.

At age 7, they could see each other in their dreams. Damian was all grumpy and started to say some inappropriate things in another language. What shocked both of them, is when Marinette understood it, and called him out.

He told her about the different types of soulmate bonds that he discovered, and that apparently they both gained the ability to inherit each other's skills. While Mari learned how to fight and speak different languages, Damian learned how to bake and had the urge to draw.

While Mari was still 7, she met two of her purple soul faits. Their names were Alix and Max. When she introduced Max with Kim, their string flashed, making their red one, gold. She experienced romantic soulmates meeting for the first time.

Mari still felt pain from all the beating Damian got, but it didn't hurt as bad as it used to. Marinette got less clumsy, so that was less bruises he had to cover up also.

At age 10, they could hear each other's thoughts, and could write on their skin. In their dreams, Damian told Mari about him being in the league, seeing as it didn't harm anybody, as long as she didn't tell. So when they learned about their writing on the skin, he told her to never do it, or they won't be around to do it any longer. Needless to say, that stopped her.

Imagine her surprise while she was at school doing her work, when she heard him talking about killing someone. When she jumped from the sudden thought, everyone looked at her crazy. She then said she had another soulmate bond. They didn't think it was weird in their class, seeing as others in their class, such as Chloe, Nino, Max, Kim, and Alix, also had lots of soulmate bonds.

When Damian finally moved into the manor, he discovered most of his soulmate bonds were for his brothers and anyone else that visited the manor frequently.

About a year after Damian moved into the manor with Bruce, they started having body switches. Only Alfred and Mari's parents knew about these random body switches. Whenever the boys told him something weird he did, he would just curse out Mari, and leave the room, leaving everyone else confused.

When Marinette became Ladybug, Tikki explained why she and everyone of her closest friends and Chloe had lots of soulmate bonds. It was because they were true holders of the miraculous, or maybe their soulmate was one.

When she explained why they had it to Damian, he said he figured it out, cause he was in the league and they would try to find out about the miraculous holders and kill them.

After Marinette got done with the battle with stoneheart, Adrien and Marinette had a yin-yang symbol on their right wrist. When Adrien got to school the next day, they found out their identities were. Let's just say that the next akuma battle took a while because of the grudge held by Marinette.

When they went to school the next day, since Mari forgave him for the gum incident, they both found out about their blue soulmate fate string. She also found out that she had 3 purple soulmate bonds. One in her class, Nathaniel, and 2 outside, Mirelle and Aurore.

Within Damian's first year of becoming Robin, he found one of his purple soulmate strings, Jon. Finding out he was Superman's son was kinda a bonus for him. He never told Mari, because he kinda forgot to tell her.

It was when Lila came into the school, when Mari was 14, did all those different soulmate bonds made sense.

She never had a soulmate bond for her supposed best friend, so when she turned on her, Marinette didn't really feel anything. Nino's soulmate was never her, so that's a win for him. When the rest of the class turned on her, then she knew why she never had a soulmate bond from them.

Chloe apologized to them when Lila came. That's when lots of soulmate bonds were formed. Chloe found her romantic soulmate bond, Alix, sister soulmate bonds, Kagami and Marinette, and friend soulmate bonds, Nathaniel, Marc, Aurore, Kim, Max, Mirelle, and Luka.

Whenever Mari wanted to get out some emotions, she would do it when she was sleeping, with Damian to comfort her, somehow. Never really was a person to comfort people. 

-Hopefully posting this will motivate me into finishing the story 

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