Planning the Trip

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"Alright class, someone here has won the entire class a field trip to Gotham for 3 months. We're leaving at the end of the week. You are dismissed to go pack for the rest of the day." And with that school ended.

Mari and her friends in the class sat on one side of the room, while Lila and her followers sat on the other.

Adrien sat with Mari. Whenever his father told him to be good with Lila, he would tell him that he's not going against his sister than with that liar. Gabriel learned about Adrien's sister soulmate bond with Mari, and allowed him to keep being friends with her.

Whenever Lila saw Adrien sit next to Mari, she would always glare at Mari, but when Mari used that Batglare she inherited from Damian, she would turn pale and turn around.

When Lila's group tried to bully Mari because of what 'she did to Lila', she would do something that would catch them off guard. She was still clumsy, but when they would try and trip her, she flipped like it was normal. When they pushed her down the stairs, she acted like she was in the Ladybug suit, and got down safely. When everything they tried never worked, they just stopped all together.

When it came to the random body switches, they were when they needed them most. Whenever Lila became too much, Damian would switch with her and would call her out. Everyone forgot that Mari had that type of soulmate bond, so whenever it happened, her friends were smirking, while everyone looked at Mari shocked. When it was over, her friends would explain that her soulmate did something to her. Sometimes it was him, sometimes it wasn't.

Whenever Damian needed help with his feelings, Mari would take over and help him express it. It was weird at first for his family, but they got used to the random thing Damian did that he never would do normally.

Back to now, the class was just dismissed and MPS was about to leave when Lila clearly had to say something.

"I just wanted to win the class trip because I wanted the class to see Gotham. And so I could see my Damiboo!" Now she had her followers' attention.

"Who's Damiboo?" Rose asked. If it had to deal with soulmates, she was interested.

"It's my soulmate, Damian Wayne. I really wanted to see him, but decided it to be a class trip so I won't be alone, since he has school, and we don't."

"Oh my god, you really are the best best friend anyone could ever have." Alya told her.

MPS just rolled their eyes and left the class. Since Mari actually got the trip, she told her friends. They got packed over the weekend. Now they're going to Chloe's dad hotel, to chill. It was sad that her friends from the other class couldn't come. It would have been fun for other friends to come. (Plus Mrs. Mendelev could actually make sure that no nonsense could happen.)

At Chloe's hotel, they were having a movie day. She got all the best snacks from her butler, and started watching movies. In the middle of the day, Mari decided that she wanted to talk to her soulmate. She told her friends not to bother her so she could talk to him.

When she went there, she saw him playing video games. In their dreams, they have an average looking house with a living room, kitchen, couple rooms, and bathrooms. She went beside him and tapped his shoulder.

"Hey Dami." She tapped his shoulder.

"Hey Angel." He stopped playing video games, and pulled her to sit on his lap.

"Why are you asleep right now? Isn't it still day time in Paris?" He asked, confused.

"Yeah it is, but I wanted to tell you something." He nodded for her to go ahead.

"So you know how you live in Gotham?" he nodded at that. "Well I won a trip there for about 3 months, so we might get to see each other in person for once." She said excitedly.

He smiled at her enthusiasm. He pecked her lips to calm her down. "If you want to meet, you have my phone number, just text me if you want to meet up. Now, do you wanna play video games or do you wanna wake up?"

She thought for a moment. "I'll play a couple of rounds with you, then I'll wake up." She pecked his lip, then got off his lap to start playing.


After winning a couple rounds, Mari woke up to her friends surrounding her.

"How long have you guys been looking at me?" She asked.

"Just a couple of minutes cause the movie just ended. Now, tell us what happened." Chloe asked.

"Was he there in the first place?" Nino asked.

"Yes he was there. And I just told him that I'm going to Gotham. He told me that we could meet when we go there. And for the rest of the time, we played video games."

"Did he even win one round?" Adrien asked.

"He almost did, and that's only because he got some of my skills in video games, but I beat him in the end."

"Classic Mari." Alix commented.

"Now back to Gotham, are we riding in first class?" Kim asked.

Adrien and Chloe nodded their heads. None of them want to be in the same room as their classmates unless it was for school. Then again, they didn't want them there either.

"Okay, I want all of your suitcases here on Thursday, since we're leaving on Friday. We will have a sleepover and make sure Mari wakes up on time. Got it." Chloe said.

Mari grumbled something in arabic about how it's not her fault they woke up early while everyone else said they got it.

For the rest of the day, they played some video games, then went home and told their parents. 

-So I just started watching Young Justice because I'm broke and found it for free on my tv. So yeah, its a great show. 


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