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Two Years Later

Scott sat by Mitch's side as the brunette cried.

He had no idea what to say. Mitch was happier than he'd been in a long time, but now he was suddenly so upset.

It was understandable. After he awoke from his near-death experience, he managed a complete recovery. He still got sick a lot, but he was much more independent. He was healthy, for the first time in years. 

Yet about a week ago, his parents both died within a few hours of one another.

Today was his coronation. He would rule the kingdom from now on.

He would also meet his fiancee today -- and tomorrow, he would marry her.

It was stressful. Scott wanted to help him, but where do you even begin to comfort someone in this situation?

Scott sighed. "Everything will turn out okay," he said softly.

Mitch looked at him, teary-eyed. "My parents will not see it turn out okay," he whispered.

"They lived to see you get better," Scott said. "And they will be proud, watching from another world as you navigate your reign and marriage." He sighed. "It does feel so rushed, but everything will be fine."

Mitch gave an almost imperceptible nod. "I know."

Scott sat back against the headboard, and Mitch crawled into his lap.

Their relationship was now official, but Scott still worked partly as Mitch's servant. Kirstin also served him directly. They were both friends with her, but Scott more so than Mitch. He was much closer to her equal, though he wasn't quite her equal. It was within his right to treat her as below him, as the prince's lover. But he didn't. It was Mitch who acted mildly aloof around her, mostly ignoring her unless asking her to do something. Sometimes they had conversations, but only if it was all three of them.

"We need to get you ready," Scott said. "I will draw you a bath."

Mitch nodded. "Okay."

Scott stood up, drawing Mitch a bath. The prince sat on his bed and watched as Scott poured water into the tub.

Scott then stood up, walking back to him. "Come on," he said.


Later that day, Scott was sitting on the stairs of the throne room while Mitch hopped around on the floor.

The coronation had gone without a hitch. Mitch was so excited about the rest of the day's events.

Then, they heard a knock on the door.

"My king?"

It was Kirstin's voice. Scott glanced at Mitch. "Ready?"

Mitch shrugged, walking back to his throne. He looked suddenly unsure as he sat down heavily. "Not one bit. Bring her in."

"You have to say it," Scott told him, climbing up to stand to the side of the throne.

Mitch rolled his eyes. "Come in," he called out.

The huge, carved wooden doors opened slowly, and Kirstin entered the room. Behind her was three people: a pretty young woman with long brown hair, and two young men.

Kirstin managed a low, graceful curtsy, then walked to the opposite side of the throne from where Scott had rushed. Mitch crossed his legs and settled back. "Hi," he said simply. "So, in two days, we get married." He stood up, approaching the young woman. She shyly shifted position a little bit.

"So, shall we go to my sitting room?" Mitch asked. "We can get to know each other."

"Yes," she said. "That sounds wonderful."

Scott and Kirstin walked together behind the pair as they all left the throne room. Mitch and Esther -- for that's who it was -- talked quietly. Scott and Kirstin stayed together, and Esther's servant and lover stayed to themselves. The three pairs acted as if the others were unworthy of existence.

After a minute, though, the two pairs of servants drifted apart, then back together, but differently. Scott was now beside Esther's partner.

Scott turned hesitantly to the man he was walking with, who introduced himself as Jeremy.

"We were always close," he said. "It was understood that we could never be together, but I still wanted to be. Well, when the then-prince said that he would have a lover, we decided that we could, in fact, be together."

"We thought it would never happen because Mitch's father banned it," Scott said. "But he just wanted Mitch to be safe, which  I could do just as well by spending my life with him. Anyway, we no longer need to deal with him being so weak anymore. He does better when he is happy, anyway."

Jeremy nodded. "We had the same issue. But it is fortunate that we both got to be happy in the end."

Scott smiled. "Agreed."

They did end up being happy. Scott got to meet Esther's servant, Ben, and thought he was very sweet. It wasn't at all surprising to him when he found out that Ben and Kirstin were dating. They spent all their time together already.

Unfortunately, a baby was demanded of Mitch and Esther, and they had no interest in doing anything outside of that, even though Kirstin and Ben offered their firstborn. The royal baby was beautiful, and so sweet, left to the care of Kirstin and Ben.

They were all content. Mitch and Esther got along well, and they also loved each other's lovers. Life wasn't ideal, but it was as good as it could be.

And sometimes, no matter who you are, that can be all that matters.



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