1. Denial

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No one knows how to get rid of depression. They only know how to get it. Everyone goes through their little phase but not Phoebe. She witnessed how her mother passed away and never did a thing about it. She didn't sign up for therapy or even talk to her closes friends. "This is part of life," she would always say. But she was just hiding the fact that she was broken.

Phoebe and her mother were best friends. They told each other everything and couldn't go a day without laughing or making jokes. This was the mother daughter relationship everyone wanted and envied. They were lucky.

Phoebe's mother, Emma, was so full of life, outgoing, and into trying new things. Just like Phoebe. But one thing led to another, a verbal fight got more physical between Emma and her husband, Ethan.

Of course he went to jail for it and Phoebe was taken away to a foster home but what hurt her most was that she saw Emma get punched, kicked, slapped and didn't do a thing. She was scared, her father could use violence against her as well so didn't dare to step in.

She's an only child, no known relatives, and barely any friends. How can she live life without letting a single tear slide down her cheek?

"Move it dork." a girl in leggings pushed Phoebe, making her bump into a boy in front of her. They were currently in line for food at the cafeteria and it was all like dominos.

"Why are you even in line, look at your thighs." she teased, eyeing Phoebe's thighs.

None of these insults hurt Phoebe. She doesn't care what people say about her. She always keeps her head up because in ten years, none of this is going to matter. Instead she grabbed the biggest slice of pizza the cafeteria had and a lot of french fries.

"I wouldn't be talking with those pimples." Phoebe fired and walked away with a rhythm to her hips, walking to her usual table in the back with a small group of friends. They weren't even there yet.

She placed her tray on the table and book bag on the seat next to her. She has always been independent and never finds a way to make new friends. She rather have no friends then fake friends.

"What, no!" a boy whined. "This is my seat. I have a huge test next period and I need to study."

Phoebe looked up to see hazel eyes starring down at her. She recognized him instantly and shook her head. "I got here first, Poindexter."

He bit his lip and played with the bracelets on his wrist for a second before making eye contact with her again. "Its important to me. I actually want a good life in the future, ...unlike you who's only use to C's and D's."

She widen her eyes playfully. "You know everything already smarty pants. You're hands always in the air in class."

He smiled, letting his voice go down to a whisper. "Just move you're fucking stuff to the other side before I flip this table over."

She giggled. For some reason she found this amusing but obeyed, tossing her black Jansport backpack to the seat across the table and moving her tray so the boy can take her seat.

Phoebe stuffed a few french fries into her mouth just as the 'Pointdexter' was about to say something.

"Um I don't think its healthy for a little person like you, to be eating such massive proportions." he said as he took out a few books from his backpack.

She rolled her eyes. "Shut up professor."

The boy blinked. "No thank you, druggie."

"What's you're name anyways?" Phoebe asked, changing the topic before things got more heated. She has always been a talker and could keep any conversation going. She just doesn't like people sometimes.

"Ashton." he said plainly, rolling his eyes. "You already know my name."

He took a quick glance at her, making sure she wasn't ready to get up and leave. A lot of people don't really like Ashton. They think he's a selfish nerd who's also a big know it all. When really he's like this for another reason.

"What test are you even studying for?" she questioned.

"The science one. I absolutely hate this subject." he complained.

She looked around for a second but stopped when her eyes landed on two boys who were also isolated by others. She frowned, trying to catch their attention but they wouldn't make eye contact with her.

She huffed and had a random thought. "Is it just me or does school make me 98.9% more tired?"

Ashton looked up from his book and pushed his glasses further back "Studies have proved that school starts way too early since our brains start working more after ten o'clock."

Phoebe rolled her eyes. "You're like the internet. How do you know everything?"

Ashton shifted uncomfortably in his seat. "I just like knowing stuff." he said almost in a mumble.

Phoebe nodded. "You know, I usually don't make new friends."

"Really?" he asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, I just hate people. They're so judgemental so I don't really keep people close in my life." she explained.

"I-I totally understand..." he said in almost amazement.

Ashton has never really met someone who could understand the way he felt towards people. Ashton wasn't one of them.


My thoughts: If you're reading this, did I do okay? I think its a pretty good chapter to be honest. I just let my feelings kinda take over. I have experienced my friends going through something so big and I'm wondering if you guys can relate. I understand that life can be a handful for younger people who are growing into adults. I have been there and its going to be okay. Don't be afraid to hit my inbox if you need any help. ❤

Larry_Lashton Idea: I don't own the whole story, I only own Phoebe Calder, a few more characters in the future, and the rest is all Larry_Lashton's. I'm so happy I found her book! Its called 'Club of Misfits'. I totally recommend you read it. Its the best and can help literally anyone, forget about their problems. It's a sweet story and I hope you enjoy it.

Why I wanted to Write It: I wanted to write this because every story has some kind of bad boy, good girl, nerd, and all these typical things. All though most stories are good and a real page turner, I wanted to write something more realistic so you guys can relate to it. ☺

What are your thoughts on Ashton's character and Phoebe's? Leave your thoughts below.

I hope you guys are having a wonderful day. :)

Quote that won't make you smile but I still try:

4 year old sister: mom I'm cold

Mom: I don't care, go find your sweater.

*4 year old sister sits on my bed and moans*: you're so lazy!

*mom widens eyes and shakes her head.*: you're lazy!

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