Chapter 11

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Zayns pov

I walked into school feeling tried and worn out. We didn't get back from the movie until 2 in the morning which made Harry panic. Apparently he didn't tell his mum that he was going out because she wasn't home yet so, I don't see things going well for him. "Zayn!" I heard Niall shout out. I turned around and saw Niall walking over to me slowly. "Tell me again why we went to a movie on a Tuesday?" He asked me leaning on the lockers next to mine. "Cause you guys are dumb shits." I told him laughing and taking a sip of the coffee he was holding. He gave me an annoyed look for taking his coffee but after a while didn't care. "What did you do at Liam's after the movie ey?" I asked him nudging him with my elbow. He just laughed and walked in the direction of Liam who had just got to school.

I put my bag away and went over to the two secret love birds who were talking about who knows what and pretending to perve on girls. "You guys are really good at acting as if you're straight." I laughed at them.

"God Zayn wanna say it any louder?" Niall said to me almost covering my mouth, he is right I did say it a bit loud. "Hazza!" Liam yelled out making me turn around. I laughed when I saw the state he was in, his hair was a mess and he had bags under his eyes. He walked over and sat on a seat next to where we were standing. "I hate you all." He told us looking like he was going to just fall asleep. "Haz you don't hate me do you?" I asked him sitting down next to him going to comfort my tired little one. "You're the one that made friends with Louis so yes." He told me making me laugh. I grabbed his hand and started drawing circles with my thumbs.

"Zayn you're in public." I heard Liam say snapping me out of my lovey dovey side, this is going to take some getting use to. Harry just looked at me as if he forgot as well and as if he was sorry. "Anyway, how did your mum react?" I asked Harry changing the topic.

"Oh, I'm grounded for 2 days. She let me go on a warning, she was angry though." He told me with his eyes closed. I felt bad that I got Harry grounded, if it wasn't for me he wouldn't be. "Sorry Haz."

"Wait so how long have you two been going out?" Liam asked us. I looked at Harry whose eyes were closed, he wasn't going to answer. "A day." I told Liam laughing a bit, we seem like we've been going out for at least 6 months already, I guess we are just ment for each other. "Oh, so when's your first date?" Niall asked us. I turned my head to Harry whose eyes flew open, date? We haven't even thought about it! Did yesterday at Harry's house count as a date? It shouldn't have cause it wasn't first date material.

"Well yesterday we-" Harry started but I stopped him before he could continue.

"Don't know yet." I told them standing up so Harry couldn't question me. I saw Louis standing over near a couple girls and as much as it broke my heart to do so, I went over to him leaving Harry with Niall and Liam.


I hadn't spoken to Harry all day since we weren't in any of the same classes today. I didn't get to see him when the bell went either because he didn't wait for me, I felt a bit rejected but I didn't really care. I know he is grounded and we did agree to keep our relationship secret from everyone for now so I guess it's okay. I haven't been able to concentrate in class though, all I could think about was our first date. I wanted to make it special and I wanted to surprise him with it and not the other way around.

I grabbed my phone out of my pocket all dialed Nialls number.

"Hello?" He answered. "Hey Ni it's Zayn. Do you know what Harry likes to eat?" I asked him hoping he would know.

"You're his boyfriend!" He laughed at me making me go red, I haven't learnt these things yet. "Shut up. Just tell me please!" I begged him looking at the clock, 5:30. I heard him groan and someone laughing in the back ground. "He mentioned he liked pepperoni pizza." I could literally feel him roll his eyes at me.

"Thanks! What about dessert? What's your favourite?" I asked him grabbing some money and walking out the front door. "You can't make me choose! You horrible person!!!" He yelled at me. "Niall!" I yelled back getting frustrated at this boy, I was already nervous enough about doing this!

"Okay fine! Ummm, oh jesus! Caramel slice." He told me as if he spat it out without thinking, I'm going to have to trust the boy. "Thanks Niall, say hi to Liam." I said before hanging up.

It was around 6:15 and I was standing outside Harry's house. I was nervous and I felt my stomach turning, what if he doesn't like what I have planned for us? Or what if he tells me to go away? I guess I'll just have to eat everything I've prepared with Niall.

I had a box of nice hot pizza in one hand and caramel slice in the other. I knew Harry's bedroom was around the back so I had to jump the fence and make my way to his window. And as hard as that was I made it over without dropping anything, I call that ninja. Quietly I made my way to what I hopped was his window. I heard someone playing the guitar, it was Harry, I didn't know he played.

I knocked on the window and watched as he turned around. "Zayn?" I saw him say through the glass. He came over looking as if he was annoyed and confused. He opened the window and looked at me.

"Are you fucken stupid? My mums home!" He whisper yelled. I laughed at him and gave him the pizza. "That's why we have to be super quiet then." I laughed putting one leg in the window.

"Zayn stop." He told me putting a hand on my chest making sparks fly through my body. I rolled my eyes and him and connected my lips with his making him move his hand from my chest to my cheek. I lent our foreheads together with my eyes still closed. "Please let me give you an amazing first date without you kicking me out." I whispered pleading for him to let me stay. "Fine." He breathed out taking the caramel slice from my hands and helping me in.


Hey so were nearly at 500 reads which is, mind my language, FUCKEN AMAZING! I never thought one of my stories would make it to that in just 10 chapters :') btw there will be drama in the next chapter and huge drama in a couple after that. Okay so I'll post the next chapter when I reach 5 votes or 550 reads so vote and spread ze word. Love u all to much ❤ oh and comment what u like about the story or what u want in it cause seriously we don't know what's going to happen and were on holidays now so we have ALOT of time to use up. :3 i love you <3

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