-Classified Information- Y/N (updated)

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Name: Y/N

Age: 17


Hair is silver grey and your eye color is a golden yellow

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Hair is silver grey and your eye color is a golden yellow. Obviously not that armor.


A former noble who was aware of the corruption in the Empire. After killing his parents that were corrupt as well at the age of eight, he ran off and joined the Assassin Brotherhood. Recognized as one of the best assassins in the whole order despite being at the young age of seventeen, Y/N prefers to work alone, not unless it's his subordinates. A quiet, calm, and more of a strategist, always planning how to get in and get out of a heavily guarded area. Usually has a plan for each situation. Only a certain ice cold assassin can draw out his true feelings.

Mother: Karliah (deceased)

Father: Markus (deceased)

Cousin: Najenda (alive)

Sister: ??? (alive)

Relationship Status's:

Najenda (good)

Akame (mutual)

Tatsumi (mutual)

Bulat (mutual)

Sheele (mutual)

Mine (mutual)

Lubbock (brothers in a sense)

Teigu: The Phase Walker's Dagger, Kronus

Teigu: The Phase Walker's Dagger, Kronus

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Made from the blood of a phase walking demon, Kronus grants the wielder to phase through walls, bodies, and allows for silent walking or running. Perfect for assassinations.

Bonus Ability: Absorbs the life of those killed with this dagger, allowing the wielder to regenerate their health.

Trump Card: Summons the demon it was made from, allowing it to posses it's wielder and boosts the wielders strength, speed, and stealth skills. Can only be activated once a week. Activating trump card costs the weapon's durability.

Assassin Robes:

Assassin Robes:

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No bow or guns. Hidden blades has the Syndicate gauntlet on the right arm, Chimera model. Sword is on your back along with the Kronus. Kinda like the ranger in Middle-Earth.

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