1»Wake Up, Get Up

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I was breathing heavily, my pants became visible as I continued to run. Why was I running? I don't know either. All I know is that I need to run. The room I was in was grey from the walls to the ceiling, with white-and-black tiles below my feet, with the same checkered design in the middle of the walls. The room was dimly lit.

Now the question is, where was I running? Then, as if on luck, something caught my eyes. It was a grey door! I swiftly started sprinting towards it. This is it! Only a few steps and I'll be out!

But when my hand was about to touch the knob, something wrapped itself on my other wrist and pulled me away from the door. My eyes widened in horror as I felt a familiar chill running down my spine. The sweats on my body grow cold as I felt something sharp in front of my throat. A knife.

I wanted to scream, but I can't. I wanted to call help, but I can't. I was completely frozen in fear. I was still breathing heavily when someone whispered on my ear.

"You can't."

And I screamed—

"Sure as a sun, and envy as the moon.
The shine will thaw my shiver,
Just like the light prevail the dark."

I was screaming when I woke up, startled I sat up quickly while eyes wandering through my room. My sweat became cold as my breathing became uneven. I placed my hand on my head as I tried to regain my breathing. That dream— nightmare, even— has been repeating over and over again.

I wasn't able to regain my breathing when the door to my room flew open. My eyes snapped at the person, that person was Aaron. He look as panic as I was, with eyes frantic and wide. His hair was still disheveled, meaning he just got out of bed. "A-Are you okay?! I heard you screaming!" Aaron exclaimed while quickly rushing over to me.

I couldn't answer him even if I wanted to, my mind was still fuzzy while my body was shaking. I tried regaining my breath but I couldn't, my respiratory system isn't following me. Well, I guess it couldn't when my mind is all over the place. My heart was still beating fast as Aaron scooped me up in his arms and cradled me in his chest.

As much as embarrassing our position is, I found myself relaxing. Not because of the words Aaron was speaking, (I couldn't hear what he was saying), but his warmth. It made me feel all fuzzy inside. It made me feel alive again. Soon, I was able to regain my breathing.

Aaron was still cradling me in his arms, which I'm not complaining about. I feel safe in his arms. I feel protected. I feel alive. Aaron is the best boyfriend anyone could ask for, anyone but me. Yes, I don't love Aaron like he loves me. Yet I still stayed with him. Selfish I may be, I didn't want to let go of the thing that makes me feel alive and whole again.

Besides, I don't think Aaron minds that fact at all. He's contented with me in his arms. As long as I don't stray from him, he's fine. Oh how I wish I could tell him about him..

"Are you okay? Can you breath properly?" Aaron asked after a few minutes passed, hands combing my unruly black hair. I hummed and nodded my head, completely not trusting my voice. I could feel Aaron sighing, whether from relief or something, I don't know. "I know I told you that you can talk to me anytime about anything. But I'm really concern about your nightmares. Each day, for the past 4 days, you keep waking up screaming and crying. It's worrying me and everyone."

Aaron's hand slowly went down to grip on my smaller hand, he held it a bit tight, but not tight enough to cause pain. Probably reassuring me that he's — and everyone— still here for me. I pursued my lips, hesitant to tell him. After all, what good will it bring if I tell him what happened that day?

"I'm sorry.." The only answer I can give him is that, he's probably sick of hearing it for the 5th time this week. Aaron sighed once more while gripping my hand. He then pulls me away from his chest to look at me straight in my eye and gave me a reassuring smile. "It's not your fault, stop saying sorry."

I said nothing. We remained in that position for a few moments before I look up to glance at the time. It was already 7:35 AM. It's so early that no one's probably awake yet, except Lucinda or Zane. Aaron then gently pushed me from his lap to stand up. He gave me a lovestruck smile with his black eyes sparkling with love. I wish I could return those feelings..

"You should probably go to sleep... orrr get ready. I'm going back to sleep. Still too early." Aaron yawned after saying that. I nodded my head while giggling a bit. "Alright. Sleep well." I said softly (quietly), luckily Aaron heard as he nodded and staggered back to his room. After the door closed, I sighed as I leaned back to let my back fall to the soft, comfy bed.

My black hair sprawled behind me as I stared at the white ceiling. My mind couldn't help but remember that fateful day. As much as I want to forget about it, burn it even, I couldn't. It's forever implanted in my head. Keeps on repeating like a broken tape. Tears started swelling in my eyes as I sniffed.

Why did that have to happen? Would it be different if they haven't gone to that party? Would they still be them? So many 'what-if's' and questions with no answer. I knew so clearly that nothing can be undone. The past cannot be reverse. No matter how much we want to.

Through my quiet sobs and cries inside my room, I didn't realize that the sun has risen and is now leaking into my room. When I notice it, I quickly wiped my tears and any trace that I was crying. I slowly stood up and started to stagger towards the mirror in my room.

What I saw wasn't what I wanted to see. Even though Mulan wanted to let her reflection show her true self, I didn't want to see my true self. It was horrible. It was a continuous reminder what I've become. All because of that man.

The feral eyes that stare back at me was intense, if it wasn't familiar to me already I would've been frightened by it. The mask that covers the face was colored white, with black decorated the eyes and smile. Purple-color was running down the cheek with red blush on either side, and red lipstick on the smile. The black hair was flowing behind it. Black was its clothing as it drapes on its form, with purple-colors on the skirt. White buttons on the chest and white stripes on either wrists, going to the arms. White-and-black striped stockings and black boots.

This was her.

This is her real self.

I am The Puppet.

The one who gives gifts and gives life.

Other known as "The Savior".

"Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are. Your reputation is who people think you are."

Author's Note:
Hello guys! I just suddenly got inspired while talking to one of a fan of this book. Hehez. aphmumultishipper Thank you for inspiring me to create this chapter. Please tell me if you guys prefer this one or the other one.

I would tell you guys next week once I received all of your comments. Though, in my newer version of this book, it gives more focus on mental health, betrayal, friends and etc. It's a bit more complex than the original one. Anyway. Hope you guys enjoy this chapter. And please don't be shy to tell me the truth :) I'll happily accept criticism.


Question for the day:
Who's your favorite FNAF character?
—Mine is Golden Freddy and Marionette. :p I ship them as well hehez. Though I do like the Bonnie Gang. And Foxy.


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