2»Bright as a Sun

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I slowly walk downstairs to see Zane sitting on the couch, on his hand was a mug of hot chocolate. I don't think he noticed me yet, he was just staring blankly at the fire in front of him. I raise a brow at his concentrated look on his face as my feet started moving towards him.

"You alright, Zane?" I asked. Zane flinch, which made the mug in his hand shake and the substance almost spilling. He blinks before turning his head towards me. I sheepishly smiled at him as I mouthed "sorry" to him. Zane sighed as he sets down his mug on the coffee table. "Good morning to you too, Aph."

I nod my head at him as I decided to go to the kitchen to get some juice. I could feel Zane's eyes staring at my back, practically burning holes in them. "Is there something behind my back?" I called out as I search for my cat-designed mug through the cabinet. "Hm..? No.." Zane answered as his eyes flickered back to the burning red fire.

I hummed at his response as I finally found my mug. I quickly grab it and closed the cabinet doors. I took two steps to the right and open the fridge. I squat down and look through the contents in the fridge. My face twisted to disgust as I realize its filled with things I dislike.

I sighed as I closed the fridge. "Guess coffee it is.." I mumbled as I started to prepare my coffee.


"Why coffee? Don't you hate the taste of those?" Zane asked as I sat down next to him with a mug filled with coffee in my hand. I grumbled as I took a sip on the bitter coffee. "There isn't anymore candy juice..." Zane shakes his head. "I still don't understand why you like those." I gasp dramatically. "Like?! LIKE?! ZANE! I LOVE CANDY JUICE! LIKE IS NOT A WORD I USE FOR MY LOVE FOR CANDY JUICE!"

Zane rolled his eyes, whether playfully or not I can't tell, as he picks up his mug and took a sip on his chocolate drink. "Yeah yeah. Now stop screaming at me." I just giggled as I lay my head on his shoulders. I could feel Zane stiffened but he soon relaxed. I guess he's used to my display of affection by now.

We stayed like that for awhile before Zane breaking the comforting silence with a question. "Why are you awake this early?" I shot him a accusing look. "I can wake up any time I want." "I don't mean it like that, you idiot. I mean, why at this time?" Zane rephrased his question. I didn't answer him as I just continue gazing at the fire.

I can hear Zane sighing as he lean sideways so that his cheek is squish on my head. "It's unhealthy for your health to be awake at this time." "Says the one who does it too." I shot back. "I have a valid reason. I sleep early. You, on the other hand, sleep late." Zane countered which made me click my tongue. "Your just a good boy—" "No, that's Garroth's job."

I sighed as I trace the cat design with my thumb while biting my lower lip. Should I tell him? "I—" "Ooohhh! Lookie what we have here~" Both Zane's and mine head snapped towards the stair and, lo and behold, there stood a smirking Lucinda. I quickly removed my head from Zane's shoulder and place my mug down the coffee table.

"L-Lucinda! G-Good morning!" I said with a high-pitch voice. Zane huffed as he ignored her and look back at the fireplace. Lucinda has her hand on her hip as her lip is twisted into a lazy smirk. "What were you two talking about? I wanna join~" Lucinda said with her sultry voice. I squeak. "It was nothing! We just talk about—" My eyes look around, trying to find something until—

"— Camels!"

I could feel Zane face palming behind me as Lucinda stared at me dumbfoundedly. There was silence between the three of us as I sweatdropped. WHY DID A CAMEL POP OUT OF MY HEAD?! I nervously laughed. "Yeah... camels..." Lucinda slowly nodded her head. ".... right." I could tell she didn't believe me.

"Well. If you need me, I'll be outside." Lucinda said as she walk out of the living room and onto the outside world. I sighed in relief. "Why didn't you just tell her that we were talking about your sleeping schedule?" Zane inquired, seemingly curious why his best friend lied to the witch. "She doesn't need to know." I said with a deadpanned voice.

Zane slowly nodded his head, as he took his final sip and his mug, that was once filled with hot chocalate, is now empty.


"I'm gonna go there." I said to Aaron, who nodded. I walk towards a cafe near the shore as I sat down on one of the outside table. I almost trip over a rock that was hidden in the sand, and almost slip from the sand itself. I sighed in relief when my bum hit the chair. It was nice to finally be at peace. When you're on the beach, its a constant battle between balance and patience. Which I, admit, am not good at.

One waiter came by and I just ordered a lemonade juice. After he went away, I decided to check my phone. Yes, I brought my phone. Got a problem? It's waterproof.

Anyway, when I unlock the lockscreen, I was greeted with a message from an unknown number. I blink as I look at the number suspiciously. I wanted to ignore it, but my guts is telling me to open it. Curiosity or logic? Nah, curiosity kills the cat. I'm already dead so why not?

I press the message and skimmed through it. My eyes widened at the context of the message, not believing what I was reading. What?

"Yo Aph!" I snapped out of my daze and quickly switched off my phone, and hastily laid it on the table. My head snapped at the direction of the voice, which belonged Travis. I smiled at my 'Not-Alone' buddy as he stopped right in front of me while breathing heavily. "What's up, Travis?"

"I saw something in the store that you might like!" Travis exclaimed, barely containing his excitement as he was jumping from heels. His large grin and sparkling wide green eyes made my heart swell as I chuckled. "Really? What is it?" I asked, now intrigued. Travis grabbed my arm as he pointed at the direction where he came from.

"It's that way! C'mon!" I yelped as Travis started to pull me towards the shop. I managed to grab my phone before I left it. With Travis pulling my arm, I need to concentrate on not tripping. Oh boy.. this is gonna be a LONGGGG day.


"Ma'am, here is your—" The waiter blinks when he noticed the raven-haired girl that was once there, was gone now. On his left hand was a tray containing the girl's lemonade drink. He blinks as he looks around. "Huh. Where did she go?"

"Huh? Who?" Another waiter asked. The first waiter shrugged. "You know... her. Must've run off." The second waiter laughed. "Atleast you got a glimpse of her again." The waiter chuckled as he started to bring in the forgotten lemonade drink. "Yep. It's nice seeing her smile again, right?"

"What're we going to do tonight though.. any plans?" The first waiter didn't answer. The second sighed as he looks up. "Let's hope Alexa and the others have one.." The first waiter chuckled, more sadly this time as his amber eyes trail down.

"Yeah.. I really hope she'll come."

"The most painful goodbyes are the ones that are never said nor explained."

Author's Note:
I decided to use this story I wanted. Btw, I deleted the chapters from the previous ones. Hope ya'll don't mind.


Question of the Day:
How did you find this book?
Lol. I'm just curious. This is so cringy, I have no idea why you guys read this.


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