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Hi I'm Mia, Mia Alvarez. I'm 18 years old and I go to an academy school in New York. Now before you think I'm some preppy bitch I'm not my school is the total opposite of a preppy school, it is full of ghetto people, sluts ratchet people, or people like me not popular but not a nerd I know plenty of people but not everyone. At first I hated the school but I got used to it.

In my group of friends I have my best friend Ari and my other best friend ( who doesn't go to my school) Miah. Then my good friends, Nina, Aimee, liah, Faith, Jane, and Nevaeh. That's pretty much all of my friends other than D - we call him D because he doesn't like his real name.

Our twisted lives.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora