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It was just a simple day when Leedo moved into his friend's apartment. He has two roommates, Ravn, his best friend, and Hwanwoong, his best friend, and Ravn's boyfriend.

"I can't believe we moved all of that stuff." Youngjo pointed at the pile of boxes at the corner of the room.

"Yeah, he has a ton of things." Hwanwoong agreed.

"You're doing this to make me guilty." Geonhak suspected, "Fine, what do you want?"

"Hmm......how about you buy some refreshments at the nearby shop?" Hwanwoong suggested.

"Okay, fine......but don't do anything that I don't want to see, " Geonhak warned the flirty couple.

He signed and walked to the nearest shop where he can buy cold drinks.

On the other hand, our protagonist, Dongju was working on a shop that sells smoothies and other refreshments.

He was working in the back room with his friend and co-worker, Seoho when his friend and another co-worker, Keonhee ran into the room.

"T-There's a dude with a deep voice......I didn't hear anything that he said." Keonhee stuttered.

"Oh my gosh.....Dongju be an angel and do it for him." Seoho commanded.

Dongju is the type of person who isn't afraid of anything, a deep voice can't scare him and besides, he misses someone who has a very deep voice.

"Good morning sir, what would you like for today?" Dongju asked without looking at the costumer.

"Xion?" the voice seemed very familiar to Dongju and only one person calls him "Xion".

"Leedo?" he looked at the latter with a cheerful smile, "Leedo!" he cheered.

Dongju ran out of the counter and gave the latter a quick embrace. He's lucky that Leedo was the last one in line or he'll be in big trouble.

"Hm....what were you going to buy?" Dongju asked, returning behind the counter.

"I would like three smoothies...." Geonhak replied.

"Okay, three smoothies coming up." Dongju smiled and returned to the back room.

"Guys, Leedo would like to buy three smoothies," he informed the other two.

"Leedo? The Leedo? Kim Geonhak, specifically." Keonhee questioned.

"Geonhak's here?" Seoho asked.

"That's Leedo?" Keonhee asked in disbelief.

"Yeah.....now let's make those smoothies," Dongju stated.

"Wait, imma wave at him." Seoho ran out of the room and waved to Geonhak, who was waiting on the counter. Geonhak smiled and wave back.

"I haven't seen him since high school." Seoho mumbled, "And he has gotten buffer,"

"He's handsome, why did you break up with him?" Keonhee asked, "Is he a bad guy?"

"No.....just reasons...." Dongju reasoned.

"I like him better than your current boyfriend," Seoho whispered.

"What's wrong with my boyfriend?" Dongju objected.

"Just reasons...." Seoho mocked.

Dongju rolled his eyes at the latter and grabbed all three of the smoothies that they made.

"Here you go.....it's on the house." he winked, handing them over to Geonhak.


"Next," Dongju called out to the customer behind Geonhak. The costumer seemed to be annoyed when he recently came into the store.

"Oh, yeah.....um......maybe we can catch up..." Geonhak stuttered.

"Sure, my shift ends in the evening and I'm free." Xion smiled before returning his attention to the impatient customer.

Geonhak, on the other hand, was so happy seeing his best friend after a few years.

He returned to the apartment with a big smile drawn onto his face.

"Guys! You wouldn't believe who I saw!" Geonhak yelled.

Instead of seeing his friends, he was greeted by an empty room. He placed the refreshments on the table and started to search for them.

He looked at every single room but no one was there. He missed one room, he leaned on the door and heard the bed creaking loudly. He can hear Ravn and Hwanwoong screaming from the inside.

He barged in the room and was deeply disappointed with the two, "How many times am I going to tell you to not jump up and down on the bed?!" Geonhak yelled.

"You said you were going to keep watch...." Hyungwon nagged at his boyfriend.

"I got distracted......" Ravn reasoned.

"I feel bad for the people living downstairs, this is what they were experiencing when I was gone."

"So......change of topic.......why are you do happy? what happened to our cold Geonhak?" the younger teased.

"You won't believe who I saw?!" Geonhak repeated.

"Dongju," the couple said in unison.

"How di- what?" the latter was confused.

"It's all planned sweetie......" Hwanwoong replied.

"I'm your sweetie...." Youngjo sulked.

"It's just to give emotion on the phrase......you're my sweetie," Hwanwoong assured.

"Still" Youngjo murmured.

"Okay, fine.." the shorter sighed. "It's all planned baby chick."

"What do you mean?"

"Well...........we tried so hard to convince you to go back to this apartment because it is near Dongju's workplace," Hwanwoong explained.

"We know that you're whipped." Youngjo chuckled.

"Says the one who sulked because his boyfriend called another person "sweetie"." Geonhak teased.

"You missed Dongju so much, didn't you?" Hwanwoong suspected.

"Isn't it obvious?" Geonhak replied.

"No, it isn't...." Youngjo said sarcastically.

"Okay, okay........he said that he's free in the evening....what should I do?"

"Go for it!" the couple cheered.

Geonhak agreed with the couple so he quickly did all the things he needed to do to make time for Dongju.

Geonhak unpacked all the things that he has and tried to dress nicely for his "meeting" with Dongju.

𝖴𝖭𝖱𝖤𝖰𝖴𝖨𝖳𝖤𝖣 𝖫𝖮𝖵𝖤 ✩ 𝖪.𝖦𝖧 + 𝖲.𝖣𝖩 (𝖮𝖭-𝖧𝖮𝖫𝖣)Where stories live. Discover now