『 5 』

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A week has passed and Geonhak is still helping Dongju on his job. Seoho felt bad for him so he told the owner about it. The owner offered him a position in the store but Geonhak declined the offer.

The owner decided to still pay him even though he's not an actual employee since it looks like the latter doesn't have any plan to stop helping them.

Yeonhwa, on the other hand, is just there, busy on his phone while the others are busy with their jobs.

Geonhak woke up late that day, he roamed around the kitchen looking for food. He didn't find anything, even canned goods, there's none.

I guess it's time for grocery shopping.

He listed down all of the things that are needed to be bought then he grabbed his coat on the rack and quickly wore it before leaving the apartment.

A certain someone crossed his mind. He wondered whether the latter is busy for the day since it's a day off. Geonhak keeps track of the latter's schedule because the younger easily forgets things like how he used to love Geonhak romantically-

He fought against his own mind and decided to visit the younger before going to the supermarket. He knocked on the door but it seems like no one was going to answer.

He was about to leave when someone opened the door. It was a man, all that Geonhak know about the man is that it's taller than him and nothing more. His attention wasn't on the one in front of him, it was on the ones that were behind the taller.

It was Yeonhwa, making out with a woman in her undergarments. Geonhak wished that he hadn't seen any of it. There were other people too, it looks like they were his friends. Bottles, clothes, etc were all over the place.

"What do you want?!" the taller shouted at him.

Geonhak immediately smelled the scent of beer coming from the taller mouth.

"Oh sorry, wrong room." was the only thing Geonhak can come up in a short time.

As soon as the man closed the door, Geonhak quickly searched for his phone in his pockets. It wasn't there so he ran back into the apartment and searched for it. Exhausted, he sat down near the elevator, hoping that the younger will show up anytime soon.

But instead of seeing Dongju come out of the elevator, he saw Seoho with Keonhee holding hands while coming out of the elevator.

"Seoho? You two are together?"


"What are you doing here?" Keonhee asked.

"Oh right, uhm, do you know where Dongju is?"

"He's on the first floor, he'll be right up," Seoho replied.

"Thank you so much."

"No problem, bye~"

"Bye." they waved each other goodbye before the couple went inside a room.

On the other hand, Dongju went shopping in the mall with his friends. He was on his way home when he received a call from his boyfriend. "Dongju-ah." the latter said in a drunk tone.

"Wait, are you drunk?"

"Doesn't matter, I just want to tell you that you should stop seeing Geonhak. I'm getting jealous since you always spend some time with him. It's either me or him, pick one."

"R-Right now?" he stuttered.

"Yes, it's either me or him, pick! right now."

It was so sudden, but he had to pick one. It was a hard decision for him but he had to do it. "You, I pick you." he stammered.

"Good...see you later." Yeonhwa hung up the phone, leaving the other still in shock.

Dongju went back to his apartment floor where he found Geonhak sitting down on the cold hard floor. "Dongju!" the older exclaimed.

"Oh, hi" he replied coldly, Dongju needed to watch his actions because his boyfriend could be watching them right now.

"I- I want to tell you that I don't treat you as a friend anymore." he lied, he was forced against his own will. He didn't want his relationship with Geonhak to be ruined but he had to, for the sake of his relationship with his boyfriend.

"Wait, what?" the older's eyes grew wide.

"I'm sorry." Dongju was about to turn his back on him but Geonhak managed to get a grip of the younger's wrist.

"Please, don't do it. I have something to tell you, your boyfriend is cheating on you."

"Please, don't ruin my relationship with my boyfriend with some dumb excuse. I love him and he loves me." he shook his hand out of the letters grip and walked away.

Defeated, the older simply went back to his room.

Dongju held back his tears, he turned the doorknob of his apartment where he found the one he chose, cheating on him.

All of Yeonhwa's friend was staring at Dongju, some were laughing, some were smirking while the others were just minding their own business.


"oh, honey, we were never friends." one of their "friends" spoke up.

"I CAN EXPLAIN!" Yeonhwa stood up from his seat, tripping over his own foot

"WE ARE DONE! PACK YOUR THINGS AND GO!" he couldn't hold his tears anymore so he ran outside the room. He doesn't let anyone see his weak side except his best friend. He doesn't have anywhere to go. Geonhak was the only one that can calm him down but even his trusted friend is now gone because of his "own" fault. He sat down in a corner and broke down.

𝖴𝖭𝖱𝖤𝖰𝖴𝖨𝖳𝖤𝖣 𝖫𝖮𝖵𝖤 ✩ 𝖪.𝖦𝖧 + 𝖲.𝖣𝖩 (𝖮𝖭-𝖧𝖮𝖫𝖣)Where stories live. Discover now