The Story of Moria

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(I appologize for any spelling mistakes)

   In the early days of middle earth, before the elves came across the ocean the dwarves mined underneath the Misty Mountains, They dug and dug and eventully created a great hall with living quaters where all dwarves were welcome. Also known to the dwarves as Khazad-dum, was founded by Durin, for thousands of years the Dwarves tunned underneath their home where they found and smelted gold, silver, and mithril, the city thrived under this mountain for all this time untill the dwarves went too deep, they unleashed a terror from the past that had not wreaked havoc scince the Elves destroyed what they thought were the last ones, the had unleashed a Balrog.

   The Balrog laid waste to the dwarven kingdom and killed all in its path, and there it dwelt for hundreds more years undesturbed. With the absence of the dwarves all kinds of evil seeped into the mountain, orcs, trolls, and cave trolls. They duplicated in the mountain, trapping all who traveld the high pass of the misty mountains untill  Thorin Okenshild and company got insnared in there trap. They were captured by the trolls and taken to their king, but during there capture, Blibo escaped and fell down into the deep tunnels of Khazad-dum. There he met the creature Gollum, once a hobbit himself, and there he took the ring of power from him, he was chased up the tunnels of Moria and met Thorin on their escape. The dark lord Sauron sent his evil forces in search of Gollum only to find out that the ring was taken to the Shire by a hobbit named Bilbo. After the battle of five armys Balin went back with a company of Dwarves to reclaim Moria but failed and were slain by orcs in the mountain.

  After 60 years of growing evil under the mountain the fellowship of the ring found themselves in the mines, They come apon the tomb of Balin, Gimli's uncle, and were attacked by orcs they followed a small tunnel back to the main hall, where the ancheint evil was awoken once again. The Balrog attacked, facing off with Gandalf the Grey on the Bridge of Moria, Gandalf wounds the Balrog during the fall off the bridge, just before they hit the water the balrog pulls out it's wings and flees, but Gandalf persuits and after running up the endless staircase confronts and defeats the Balrog the Peak of Celebdil, before succuming to the wounds of his battle.

   Eventually, after the war of the ring, Moria was reclaimed by the dwarves and prospered forevermore.

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