Chapter 3

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Katie's POV

I walked towards the girls' bathroom trying to prepare myself for what was going to happen. I mean you're probably thinking something along the lines of, Why does this scare you so much? You fought Kronos' army for gods sake! This shouldn't scare you more than that!. Yet, of course, it did. 

I don't know how to explain it. It was like facing something even worse than a hydra, or a dracnae. Unlike most monsters she knew how to get under my skina and mess with me. She if she wanted to she could probably hurt me enough that if she told me to kill myself I probably would. She'd already done it to my best friend. Whose to say she couldn't do it to me, too.

I opened the girls' bathroom door and walked in keeping my head low. 

"Oh! If it isn't the fat bitch! Did she finally find some new friends?" Hannah said.

I didn't say a word.

"I don't know why anyone would want to hang out with you anyway. I mean you're just so worthless and sad. You're no fun to be around," she carried on. "Especially that new hottie. Travis was it? What would he want with a fugly bitch like you?"

I fel tmy eyes moisten. I hoped Hannah wouldn't notice, but of course she did.

"Aww is little miss worthless crying? Is little Katie sad again? Is she remembering Sophie and how she died?" Hannah said.

I felt a tear fall.and another one after it. Soon, tears were falling down my face. Moistening my cheeks.

Hannah smirked. 

"Maybe you should join her," Hannah said. "You're not wanted here anyway you worthless bitch."

Even though I know her words shouldn't effect me. They did. 

Hannah left and I walked to the corner of the bathroom and sat down with my head between my knees and cried.I opened up mu backpack and pulled out my pencil sharpener. I broke it and took the blade out of it.

I slide the blade across my wrist so many times I couldn't keep count. I kept cutting for a full five minutes, then I stopped. I just sat there and stared at my bloody wrist. I stared at it while red blood flowed out of the cuts.

I stared at it until I felt light headed and evem then I didn't want to do anything about it. I just wanted it to keep bleeding until it could bleed no more. 

I heard the bathroom door open, but didn't bother to look at who it was. I scrunched myself up into a ball leaving my wrist bloody. I heard the person run back outside and yell for help.

I knew no one would make it before I passed out. The world was already darkening. I closed my eyes thinking no one would come.

But someone did. 

I felt my body being lifted up. I opened my eyes just a bit to see who it was.

At first I couldn't tell because the world was all blurry, but then the world came into focus and I notied it was the one and only Travis Stoll carrying me. 

Shit! I thought. Now he knows I cut, but atleaste he doesn't know about my dad.

"It's alright, Katie. Everything is gonna be okay," he said confidently, but when I looked into his eyes I could see tears forming and pain in his eyes. 

Why does he care so much? 


Two updates in one day wahoo! 

Hope you guys liked it!

Follow me on Instagram at: @booksyquotes

I'll be updating again tomorrow! Goodnight y'all!

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