Chapter 2

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Katie's POV:

I walked down the stairs to my kitchen as quietly and carefully as I could. I didn't want to wake my father knowing if I did he would beat me again. 

Once I made it to the kitchen I grabbed an apple and a granola bar and put them in my backpack. I don't even know why I did it honestly. It's not like I would eat them. 

I looked at the clock. 7:16. I walked out the door and started towards my school. It was only a couple blocks away so what was the point of taking the bus. I needed the excersize anyway to stay in shape in case a monster attacked and also for camp. 

Ahhh, camp. It's the only thing that I could call home. I mean I basically grew up there. 

I remember when Travis, Connor, and I were at the Long Island Beach and I pretended to drown just to scare them and they totally fell for it. Then Travis chased me around the beach and I "fell" and "twisted" my ankle. Haha those were the days. Back before I had to worry about getting beat every night, or getting bullied at school.

I was so deep in thought that I wasn't looking where I was going and I ran into someones chest. I backed away flustered. 

I kept my head down and said, "I am so sorry I wasn't looking where I was going and I was on the wrong side of the sidewalk and-" I was cut off.

"Katie it's fine," the person chuckled. That voice. I knew that voice all to well. 

"CONNOR!" I yelled and hugged him.

"What am I? Dead meat?" Another voice said from behind him. 

"TRAVIS!" I let go of Connor and gave Travis a big hug. 

"Did you miss me?" He chuckled making me blush.

"I would never!" I said sarcastically. 

Connor laughed, "Ha don't worry he missed you BIG time. HE wouldn't stop talking about how excited he was to start school, which is totally the opposite of what I was thinking, and he wouldn't stop talking about how p-" 

He didn't get to finish before Travis punched him in the gut. 

"What the Hades was that for?!" Connor shouted.

Travis just rolled his eyes. "So Kate when do we get to meet your friends?" Travis asked. 

"Oh you already met her. It's Miranda from camp, " I said. Travis gave me a smirk and Connor smiled really big. 

"Really?! She goes here?!" Connor asked. 

"Yep," I said smiling.

"Well Connor should be overjoyed by that," Travis said under his breath while chuckling. 

Connor blushed and punched his brother in the gut. "Well at least I don't talk about who I like 24/7!" Connor said.

"Atleast I don't drool over who I like!" Travis shot back.

"Atleast I don't-" I cut Connor off.

"Ya know what! I don't care what you two do about who you like![did that make sense? probably not] I just wanna go and meet Miranda where I'm supposed to and so Connor can see Miranda because I totally ship them!" I said with a wink. "Now quit the petty bickering and let's go!" 

Travis nodded and Connor stuck his tounge out at me. I just shrugged and started walking towards school. 


We met Miranda by the steps of the school. She smiled at us and came over. 

"Hey guys! I can't wasit for this year! It's gonna be so much fun!" She said hugging Travis and I. When she went to hug Connor it got awkward so they just shook hands. Both of them blushing might I add.

"I ship them so hard," I whispered to Travis. 

"Me too," he said smiling. 

"What should their ship name be?" I asked. 

"Hmmm. How about Monnor?" 

"No... Coranda!"

"No! Monnor!"

"No! Coranda!"

"No-" Travis was cut off.

"What are you two lovebirds whispering about?" Miranda said in a sing-song voice.

"One, we are not "lovebirds", and two, we were talking about your guys' ship name," I said. "How does Coranda sound?" I smirked at them.

"Monnor is obviously the better choice," Travis said.

"In your dreams," I said rolling eyes.

I looked at him and we both started cracking up.

"What? What is it?" Miranda asked.

"Did we miss something?" Asked Connor.

"Y-you....s-should've s-seen y-your f-faces," I said trying to catch my breath.

"T-they w-were s-so r-red," Travis said also trying to catch his breath.

Both their faces turned scarlet again and they looked away. I smiled. "Awww! Who are the lovebirds now?" I said in a sing-song voice which mad ethem blush even harder. Which also made Travis laugh harder.

Miranda whispered something in Connor's ear and he smiled and whispered something back. I smirked at them and looked at Travis. I noticed he was already staring at me. I blushed. 

I was about to ask what Miranda and Connor were whispering about when I saw Hannah, the schools most popular girl giving me an evil eye. She moved her head toward the school as if telling me to follow her. 

"I-I gotta go to the bathroom. Be right back," I stuttered. Not only was Hannah the most popular girl in school. She was also my bggest bully.

"Want me to come with?" Miranda asked.

"No I'm fine," I said. "You can take Travis and Connor to the office to get their schedules." 

She nodded and led Travis and Connor away. Looking back giving me a worried look. I gave her a confident nod and headed towards the girls bathroom where I assumed Hannah and her band of bitches would be. 


Hey guys! Hope you liked this chapter! 

Follow me on Instagram: @booksyquotes

Another chapter will be up later today or sometime tomorrow. 

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