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By the time I stagger up to the fortieth floor of Woods Towers that evening, I am completely and utterly tired

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By the time I stagger up to the fortieth floor of Woods Towers that evening, I am completely and utterly tired.

Working after hours is like having to stay after school for something, but only it's worse.

It is however, for a good cause and I actually want to be working on a project with my friends, so I go.

The view at Woods Towers also, very much helps to take away all the tiredness of the day. Ace, who owns Woods Towers, has always been complimented for his amazing views. The large glass windows around the floor let in the lights from the outside, and I can see how the evening is panning out for people in nearby high-rises.

I've always loved going up to the rooftop and just watching the world.

When I walk into the conference room, Jenna is already there, talking to Ace and Scarlett. The room isn't the biggest conference room Ace has, but it has a large oval table, with enough space to seat ten. It's pristine, classy and gleaming like everything else that Ace Hardwood owns.

I dump my handbag onto the floor and sink into an empty chair.

"Long day?" Ace asks me, a smile riddled into his bright green eyes.

"Aren't they all?" I answer and he smiles that small smile of his at me.

Ace is an incredibly attractive guy and despite not knowing him too well, I can see what Scarlett sees in him.

Jenna taps her fingers against the table. "The others should be here soon and then, we can get this show on its road."

Just like she conjured them, Aiden and Rosalie walk into the room.

They greet us and Aiden smiles. "Tell me Sky is ordering the food," he says.

Scarlett has the best taste in all things takeout. She loves experimenting and exploring cuisines and always manages to hit the spot with what she orders.

She nods. "The order has been placed," she informs us.

I practically sag with relief at the thought of some good food.

Jenna looks around the room and grins. "You guys know that we're like owners and CEOs of companies who are banding together to do this CSR project right?"

All of us had decided a while ago to do a project for our corporate social responsibility together. We decided to team up and support Scarlett's children's fund by building a youth center and hostel for foster kids. Since the project was so big, we decided to do it together.

"That's because we know each other and we can easily sort this out here and then, get our teams involved," Aiden says.

There is a hum of consensus across the room.

The door to the conference room opens und another person rushes in.

A very familiar person.

An annoyingly familiar person.

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