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It's only when I pull up to our front door and see Aiden's car and another parked in our driveway that I remember that my parents invited Rosalie and Aiden and Aiden's parents over for dinner

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It's only when I pull up to our front door and see Aiden's car and another parked in our driveway that I remember that my parents invited Rosalie and Aiden and Aiden's parents over for dinner.

The sounds of laughter and conversation greet me the moment I walk through the front door and I follow them to the dining room.

Everyone seated around our table turns to look at me as I walk into the room.

"Oh, Isa," my Dad says, from the head of the table as I walk in his direction, "Come, will you join us?"

As I always do, I kiss the balding spot on my father's head. "No, I just came to say hello."

It's only then, that I look around the table at our guests and realize that there are six adults, instead of the four that I expected.

Along with Aiden's parents and Aiden and Rosalie, Marco's parents also smile back at me.

My heart drops to the pit of my stomach.

Oh God.

The last time I saw Mrs. Huntington -

"Oh, Mr. and Mrs. Huntington," I manage to say. I'm sure my voice doesn't sound as shaky in real life as it does in my head. "I didn't know you guys were here. I only saw the two cars."

Marco's mom beams at me, with that positive, life-affirming vibe of hers. "It's nice to see you, Isa," she tells me. "And we just took our evening stroll down the road. Our street is so nice."

The desire to just melt into a puddle of second-hand embarrassment has never been so acute.

I make a sound that is somewhere between a girly giggle and inhumane groan and the call of a dying seal.

Aiden, Rosalie and my Dad look at me, completely confused.

I ignore them.

My Mom gives me a pointed look like she's about to shoot out lasers through her eyes.

It's harder to ignore her.

"It's nice to see you, too, Mrs. Huntington."

I say it in a sort of strangled voice that makes my Dad turn to me and ask, "Are you feeling alright, Isa?"

That ridiculous giggle is back and I say, "I'm fine, Dad."

Aiden, who had known me the longest, other than my parents, shakes his head slightly at me, letting me know that he doesn't believe a thing that I say.

I narrow my eyes very slightly at him.

"Isa, how's the company doing?" Aiden's Dad asks me.

I nod to him. "It's going alright."

"I heard your turned down Patrick McCallum," he says and I nod. Aiden's Dad smiles. "Good on you. He's a bastard."

Aiden's sweet mother gives her husband a disapproving glance.

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